Give 1 example of a breathing strategy.
*Star breathing
*Leaf breathing
*Figure 8 breathing
*5 finger breathing
*Spiral breathing
*Flower breathing
What is 1 way to manage big feelings?
*any mindful strategy
*any thought/distraction strategy
*any physical strategy
*any feelings strategy
What is 1 example of a distraction strategy?
*brain teasers/brain breaks
*puzzle pages
*calm coloring
What is a body scan?
When you close your eyes and slowly think about how each part of your body feels from your head to your toes, while stretching or wiggling each part. (For example, toes, calves, belly, chest, arms, fingers, shoulders, and head)
What are the steps in a 4-part apology?
1-I am sorry for____
2-That was wrong because____
3-Next time I will ____
4- Will you forgive me?
What is 1 example of a mindful strategy?
*glitter jar
When you are in the "green zone", what is 1 feeling or emotion you might have?
Happy, calm, confident, focused, peaceful, hopeful, ready...anything positive with controlled energy
What is visualization?
*picturing something in your mind
What is 1 example of a "physical" coping strategy? (Hint: you use your body to release angry energy)
*wall push-ups
*chair push-ups
*ripping paper
*squeezing hands together
*using a stress ball or putty
What is an "I Feel..." statement? Give an example of an "I feel..." statement that you would use if your friend keeps cheating while you are playing a game together.
*an "I feel" statement lets someone know how you are feeling and what you want them to do instead
*"I feel annoyed when you cheat. I want both of us to follow the rules."
What is "grounding"?
Focusing on what you see, hear, feel, smell or taste
When you are in the "blue zone", what is 1 feeling or emotion you might have?
Sad, disappointed, lonely, tired/bored, shy, withdrawn, worried - anything negative and low energy.
What is positive self-talk?
*When you say nice things to yourself (quietly in your head) to help you remember that you can do something or that you are important.
When you are in the "green zone", what does your body look like?
Ready to Learn! Eyes on speaker, ears are listening, brain is thinking about what is being said, body is in control.
Make a 4-step apology for the following situation:
You got angry during class because the work was hard. You threw your papers off the desk and stormed out of the classroom. Who would you apologize to?
Apologize to the teacher:
I'm sorry for throwing my papers off the desk and leaving the classroom without permission. That was wrong because it disrupting other student's learning and I was unsafe. Next time I will talk to you or use a strategy to keep myself calm. Will you forgive me?
Which one of these strategies is an example of being "mindful"?
*deep breathing, counting all the leaves on a tree, thinking about the way my clothes feel on my body, calm coloring
*deep breathing
*counting all the leaves on a tree
*thinking about the way my clothes feel on my body
*calm coloring
When you are in the "red zone", what is 1 feeling or emotion you might have?
Angry, terrified, stressed, furious, jealous, agitated, disgusted - anything negative and high energy
What is the difference between a "growth mindset" and a "fixed mindset"?
*Growth mindset is when you are open to new ideas
*Fixed mindset is when you can't or don't want to change your way of thinking about things.
When you are in the "blue zone", what does your body look like?
Moving slowly, not focused - maybe tired, sick or sad.
Make a 4-step apology for the following situation:
Your family got takeout food for dinner last night. Your sister didn't finish her meal and put it in the fridge for later. You ate it today for lunch. She's upset because you ate her leftover food. Who do you apologize to?
You would apologize to your sister.
I'm sorry for eating your leftover food. That was wrong because it wasn't mine. Next time I will ask first. Will you forgive me?
Give an example of something mindful you can do if you are feeling upset while in the classroom?
Focus on things you:
*see that start with a specific letter or are a certain color
*hear (any noises you can notice)
*feel (emotions, fabric, body scan, an object in your hand, etc.)
What might happen if you don't use a strategy to help work through big feelings?
*Your big feelings will likely build up, causing you to lose your temper on someone you care about and then feel badly for hurting/upsetting them. (imagine a volcano exploding)
Change this negative thought into a positive thought:
I never get anything right.
Positive thought:
I didn't get this right, but I will keep trying!
I didn't get this right because I'm not perfect and sometimes I make mistakes.
I didn't get this right...YET.
What is the difference between the "yellow zone" and the "red zone"?
The yellow zone happens when you are starting to have big feelings and are beginning to lose control. In this zone, we can usually make choices to get ourselves back in control.
The red zone is when you have lost control and your big feelings are taking over. In this zone, we will probably need an adult to help us get back in control.
Make an "I feel___" statement AND a 4-step apology for the following situation:
You and your friend were playing a game. Your friend lost the game and called you a mean name. Then you hit your friend and yelled, "I'm never going to play with you again!" Who will you apologize to?
You should apologize to your friend:
I'm sorry for hitting you and yelling at you. That was wrong because I know I should never put my hands on another person and yelling at someone isn't nice. Next time I will walk away or take a break before trying to talk to you about something that upsets me. Will you forgive me?
"I feel sad when you call me mean names. I want you to just say 'good game' when you don't win."