Stress 1
Stress 2
Stress 3
Stress 4

What is stress?

Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything that requires attention or action. Everyone experiences stress to some degree. The way you respond to stress, however, makes a big difference to your overall well-being.


Types of stress

  • Performance-based. This type of stress can also be referred to as Academic or Professional. Examples include having many assignments, disagreeing with your teacher or superior and problems working with your peers.
  • Interpersonal. Interpersonal stress comes from interactions with people in your daily life. Examples include arguments with your significant other, feelings of loneliness and having trouble making friends.
  • Intrapersonal. Intrapersonal stress refers things within your own mind and body. Examples include mental health challenges like anxiety, a poor diet and worrying about money.
  • Environmental. Environmental stress comes from changes or conflict within your surroundings. Examples include roommates arguing, moving to a new home and having things that need to be fixed in your home.

How can you keep connected with your friends and family? 

  1. Exchange jokes, stories, news, and updates by phone, post, email, or text messages. ...
  2. Consider having video chats. ...
  3. Record special events, updates, and stories. ...
  4. Share an activity. 
  5. Remember important dates and life events.

What are some PHYSICAL signs of stress? 

•Chest pain



•Muscle tension

•Frequent colds

•Light headedness

•Panic attacks


•Angry outburst

•Depressed /anxiety

•Aggressive feelings

•Feeling overwhelmed


•Isolating yourself


•Constant worrying


What are some healthy ways to cope with stress? 

  • Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including those on social media. ...
  • Take care of yourself. ...
  • Take care of your body. ...
  • Make time to unwind. ...
  • Talk to others. ...
  • Connect with your community- or faith-based organizations.

Coping skill examples? 

These coping skills can be translated as the way you empty your stress bucket and become more or less at peace. Using helpful coping skills will help your process stress more positively.

  • Unhelpful coping skills causing recycled stress. There are ways to handle stress that actually leave you unhealthier than when it first entered your bucket. This can look like self-medication: using alcohol and drugs to take your mind off your worries. It can also look like simply pretending that the problem will go away without doing anything about it. Processing stress in these ways prevents you from adequately coping or solving problems.

  • Problem-focused coping skills. One healthy way to handle stress is working to resolve the things causing it. The way to solve the problem is dictated by the specific situation. If your stressor is conflict with a friend, you can try practicing communication skills to better manage the conflict. If you usually skip meals and drink too much coffee every day, you can try to implement a healthier eating plan. No matter the situation, solving the present problem will help.

  • Emotion-focused coping skills. Another healthy way to handle stress is by seeking comfort. Some stressors, like the death of a loved one, are not problems that can actually be solved. In these situations, practicing mindfulness and having strong support systems will help the most. You can try to alleviate anxiety with relaxation and breathing techniques. Connecting with others will also help, whether talking to friends over the phone or Internet, or spending quality time with family.

What are somethings in your life that you cannot realistically control?

For starters, you cannot control people. You cannot control other peoples actions, reactions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, etc. You are also not RESPONSIBLE for other people's actions, reactions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, etc


What are some behavioural signs of stress?

•Sleeping too much or too little

•Increased use of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes

•Eating a lot of food or not eating enough food

•Don’t care about how you look

•Don’t care about being on time for things



Why is nature a good part of de-stressing? 

Its relaxing!!

 Studies conducted in multiple countries have found that green space improves mood. Even nature videos can speed the recovery from stress compared with videos of urban scenes. Taking a moment to notice nature—even in the form of a bustling city park—can refocus and calm your mind. 


What does mindfulness mean?

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.


Will coffee help me de-stress?!

If you drink to many, it wont help! 

Don't forget to drink water!


What are some emotional signs of stress?

•Angry outburst

•Depressed /anxiety

•Aggressive feelings

•Feeling overwhelmed


•Isolating yourself


•Constant worrying


Is it ok to step back and focus on your hobbies?! 

YES! 100% acceptable 

Hobbies refocus your mind on to something that you enjoy doing


What are some examples of mindfulness exercises?

  • Focus on your breathing. When you have negative thoughts, try to sit down, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Sitting and breathing for even just a minute can help.

You can also try more structured mindfulness exercises, such as:

  • Body scan meditation. Lie on your back with your legs extended and arms at your sides, palms facing up. Focus your attention slowly and deliberately on each part of your body, in order, from toe to head or head to toe. Be aware of any sensations, emotions or thoughts associated with each part of your body.
  • Sitting meditation. Sit comfortably with your back straight, feet flat on the floor and hands in your lap. Breathing through your nose, focus on your breath moving in and out of your body. If physical sensations or thoughts interrupt your meditation, note the experience and then return your focus to your breath.
  • Walking meditation. Find a quiet place 10 to 20 feet in length, and begin to walk slowly. Focus on the experience of walking, being aware of the sensations of standing and the subtle movements that keep your balance. When you reach the end of your path, turn and continue walking, maintaining awareness of your sensations.

Example of what causes stress

Major life changes! 

Lets hear your examples!


What are cognitive signs of stress?

•Increased sense of frustration

•Lack of motivation


•Trouble learning new information

•Poor judgementW


When is stress a problem?

Sometimes, a small amount of stress can help us to complete tasks and feel more energised. But stress can become a problem when it lasts for a long time or is very intense. In some cases, stress can affect our physical and mental health.


What is an example of coping thoughts? 

Keep calm and carry on! 

Lets hear your examples! 


Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.


Please name at least FIVE stress relievers!!

Watch a sunset

Go to the beach

Pet a dog or cat

Blow bubbles

Take a walk


Keep a gratitude journal


Take a big breath

Practice patience

Do yoga

Visualize a calm or peaceful place
