Identifying Emotions
Problem Solving
Expressing Emotions
Coping Techniques
Handling Angry Emotions

How would you feel if your friend was talking badly about you behind your back?

What is angry/sad/upset/hurt/betrayed.


True of False: When a problem happens, what you think will affect what you feel and what you do.

What is true.


Should you use a calm voice and kind words when expressing emotions? Why or why not?

What is yes. Because yelling and saying hurtful words is a disrespectful way to express yourself.


Identify 1 coping skill you like to use when you’re feeling angry?

Answers will vary.


The phases of The Anger Cycle in order is: Triggering Event, Negative Thoughts, Emotional Response, Physical Symptoms, and Behavioral Response. Is this correct?

What is yes.


If someone was to continuously interrupt you while you were speaking, how would you feel?

What is annoyed/irritated/frustrated/angry.


What is the problem solving technique known as ‘brainstorming?’

What is technique used by coming up with many different ideas that could be a choice for solving a problem.


What does it mean to communicate or express your emotions aggressively?

What is being bossy, intimidating, or forceful. Placing blame on others, doesn’t take responsibility for self. Lack’s empathy. Doesn’t respect the personal boundaries of others.

Does deep breathing help you with calming down? Why do you think that is?

Answers will vary.

What is 2 physical warning signals of your anger?

Answers may vary.

How does it make you feel when you’re not listened to?

What is upset/hurt/sad/depressed/frustrated.


What does it mean to ‘work cooperatively’ when solving a problem with someone?

What is getting along with someone, focusing on the problem, and helping each other come to a resolution. 


What is the difference between using ”I” Statements and ”You" Statements”?

What is the focus is kept on self and doesn’t place blame on others.


Do you believe that drawing and coloring can help someone with calming themselves down? Why?

Answers will vary.


True or False: Frustration, Anger, and Furiousness are 3 levels of anger.

What is true.

When someone invades your personal space, how does it make you feel?
What is awkward/anxious/frustrated/upset.

True or False: Playing ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors,’ using an I-Message, and taking a break are all possible choices for solving a problem.

What is true.


Is the sentence below an example of a correctly used I-Message? Why or why not?

I feel frustrated, when you continuously talk to your friend while I am speaking, because it is distracting me from my thoughts. I wish you would please keep quiet while others are speaking.

What is yes. It expresses the feeling, identifies the trigger, explains reasoning, and expresses wants.


Physical activity releases a naturally produced chemical in your brain which can cause you to feel more happy. True or False?

What is true.


What are 3 triggers of your anger?

Answers may vary.


How does it make you feel when you get to spend time with friends and family?

What is happy/joyful/excited/loved/blessed.


True or False: All problems with other people can be solved by talking out the problem with each other.

What is false.


True or False: Yelling at someone or breaking something is a poor way to express feeling angry.

What is true?


Muscle relaxation helps with self calming. Why do you think it helps?

What is because it relaxes the body, calms the mind, and distracts the mind.


Why is keeping frustration and anger to yourself all the time harmful to you?

What is because keeping in all those emotions will eventually lead to you exploding into an anger outburst or you could take your anger out on someone else you’re not really angry with.
