Who was Tidbit's mom?
What was the dog's name?
In what state was Derbyshire Farms located?
South Carolina
How old was Amari at the beginning of the story?
What river did they have to cross to get to Fort Mose?
St. Mary's River
Who was the oldest slave at Derbyshire Farms?
What did Amari do to receive a beating and banishment to the rice fields?
tripped over Mr. Derby's leg and spilled a pie
***Doubly Jeopardy***
Where did Polly grow up?
How many years was Polly's indenture?
Explain 2 difficulties the runaways encountered.
Lack of food, ate poisonous plants, had to travel in dark, no map, no shoes, etc
He was now Buck and no longer Betrothed to Beautiful Amari.
What type of poetic device is used in the clue and who does it describe?
alliteration - BESA
What happened to the 1st Mrs. Derby?
She died during childbirth
Where is Fort Mose located?
How many villagers survived the attack at their village?
What 3 items did the doctor provide the runaways?
money, weapon, food
Who was an important "mother-like" figure at Fort Mose AND who did she say needed to approve their stay?
Inez sid Captain Menendez had to approve it.
What were some jobs Polly and Amari had to do at Derbyshire Farms?
Gather firewood, gather food, help in the kitchen
Where are the 3 when they meet Fiona?
around Savannah, GA
What is the city of Fort Mose called
St. Augustine
Name 2 people who helped them during their journey to Ft. Mose and explain how they helped.
Nathan - hid them, helped them escape
Fiona - gave them wagon, clothes, food
doctor - gave them items to use during their journey
He insited that he would go to Derbyshire Farm, examine his patient, eat a fine meal, and leave refreshed tomorrow.
Dr. Hoskins
What was the difference between how men were treated/housed on the ship versus the women?
men were constricted in space, allowed only a few times to come on deck for fresh air, food, bath
women had more opportunities to move around, allowed to go on the deck to get cleaned up, food, water, before becoming entertainment
What was the name of the village Amari was from?
How many times was Amari whipped after she spilled the pie?
In what ways did Clay show he was human and could be thoughtful?
gave Amari blankets, took sweets to her after beating, didn't "call" on her after beating