Fair Use
True or False
Your PSA
The right of authors to control the use of their work for a limited period of time.
What is copyright?
Some examples of this type of work are literary works, musical works, pictorial and graphic works, and motion pictures. (Works protected by copyright or not protected?)
What are works protected by copyright?
The number of factors that go into determining fair use.
What is four?
Copyright applies only to works that are published or registered.
What is false? (Works only have to be "fixed in a tangible medium of expression.")
You use a copyrighted work extensively in a long PSA that will be shown on local TV. You did not get permission but you acknowledge it in the credits. (Fair use or violation of fair use)
What is a violation of fair use? (Acknowledgement does not affect the need for permission.)
One of the exceptions in copyright law which allows use of copyrighted materials without obtaining permission under certain conditions (like the purpose it is used for).
What is fair use?
Some examples of this type of work are improvisational speeches, common and short phrases, facts, news. (Works protected by copyright or not protected?)
What are works that are not protected by copyright?
Factors such as educational use, and using small amounts of a copyrighted work. (Factors favoring fair use, or factors favoring permission?)
What are factors favoring fair use?
All educational use is permitted under fair use.
What is false? (It's only one factor.)
You flagrantly infringe copyright on 2 items in your PSA (which went viral on the web) and are caught, tried, and found guilty. What is the maximum monetary penalty the judge could assess?
What is $300,000?
All works that never had copyright protection and works that no longer have copyright protection.
What is the public domain?
This is the person who has the right: To reproduce the work. To distribute the work. To create derivative works. To publicly perform the work. To publicly display the work.
Who is the copyright holder (owner of the copyright)?
Factors such as using creative (non-factual) works, and using works for entertainment purposes. (Factors favoring fair use, or factors favoring permission?)
What are factors that favoring permission?
You can go to jail for infringing copyright.
What is true?
You based your PSA on an idea a friend suggested. (No problem or likely to land you in trouble?)
What is no problem? (Copyright only protects the expression of ideas in a fixed form, not the ideas themselves.)
A creation of the mind that is owned individually or corporately and protected by copyright.
What is intellectual property?
A swashbuckling name for infringing a copyright.
What is pirating?
Licensing and permission are not available for particular work. (Factors favoring fair use, or factors favoring permission?)
What are factors favoring fair use?
Works in the public domain can always be used without permission.
What is true? (No exceptions.)
After turning in your PSA for this course, you decide to post it on youtube. (A factor that affects, or does not affect fair use?)
What is a factor that affects fair use? (Many more people will see it!)
A process or action that helps, but is not required, to establish a copyright.
What is copyright registration (or publication)?
The number of years after the death of the author that copyright protection extends for works created after 1978.
What is 70 years?
Fair use is "technology __________." (Hint: consider whether or not fair use is tied to certain media.)
What is technology neutral (or independent)?
The creator/author always owns the copyright.
What is false? (Work created as part of one's job is one exception--the employer owns the copyright.)
Your whole PSA is a parody of a very recognizable popular TV show, and it went viral on the web. (Fair use or violation of fair use?)
What is fair use? (Parody has a special, protected status.)