Assuming an idea is already known, and it requires zero quotes
What is common knowledge plagiarism
Implied or indirect reference to a person, event, or thing
What is allusion
Claiming a statement to be true because someone in authority said so
What is appeal to false authority
An ethical appeal based on the credibility, authority, or character of the writer
What is ethos
Used to link two related sentences and indicate a pause
What is a semicolon
Recycling your own work
What is self-plagiarism
Short story or poem used to represent morals or politics
What is an allegory
Asserting a claim is true because many believe so
What is a bandwagon fallacy
An ethical appeal that uses facts to back their argument
What is logos
When a comma separates two complete sentences
What is a comma splice
Offering a quotation but providing no introduction or explanation
What is a drop quote/floating quote/island quote
Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a clause or sentence
What is an anaphora
Assuming that a real or perceived relationship between things means that one is the because of the other
What is false cause (post hoc ergo proper hoc)
An ethical appeal that relies on the audiences needs and values
What is pathos
Used when referring to a list of things or separating things with prior commas
What is a colon
Using sentences from other pieces to create your paragraph, but framing it as if it's your own words
What is patchwork/mosaic plagiarism
Juxtaposing two different things, such as words, ideas, or qualities
What is an antithesis
What is non-sequitor
An ethical appeal that relies on the timely manner and urgency
What is kairos
a noun or phrase used to limit or add to another noun or phrase
what is a modifier
Copying and pasting someone's work while changing a few words to pull off as your own
Find and replace plagiarism
Words, grammatical structures, or concepts repeated in reverse order
What is chiasmus
Occurs when an arguer begins their claim with a controversial position but retreats to a modest and easier-to-defend position when under attack
What is a motte and bailey fallacy
Quick! Buy this now while it's still on sale for Black Friday!
What is kairos
a modifier placed between two verbs that results in ambiguity
what is a squinting modifier