Coral Reefs!
Predicting climate-driven regime shifts versus rebound potential in coral reefs (2015)
Large geographic variability in the resistance of corals to
thermal stress (2020)

Name one major environmental threat to coral reefs that has led to coral bleaching and degradation.

Threats include changes in:
temperature, pH, pollution, amount of sunlight, tides, and algae competition.


What are three predictor variables used to determine resilience / resistance from paper 1?

Habitat Type

Pre-disturbance branching coral cover

Juvenile coral density 


Herbivorous fish biomass

Herbivorous fish density 

Marine Reserve status 

Nutrient regime 

Pre-disturbance structural complexity 

Sea Urchin density 

Wave exposure 


What is the aim of the paper's research regarding the future of coral reefs?

To predict the future of coral reefs, considering thermal exposure and accounting for potential geographic variation in biological sensitivity to thermal stress


What is the term used to describe the ability of coral reefs to withstand and recover from stressors, such as coral bleaching events?

Coral reef resistance is the ability of coral reefs to withstand and recover from stressors, such as coral bleaching events.


What term describes the ability of coral reefs to recover and adapt to environmental changes and disturbances over time?

Coral resilience refers to the ability of coral reefs to recover and adapt to environmental changes and disturbances over time.


Coral reefs are often referred to as the "rainforests of the sea." What makes them so ecologically diverse and rich in species?

Coral reefs are ecologically diverse and rich in species due to the variety of niches and habitats they offer, supporting a wide range of marine life from fish to invertebrates, and their complex, interconnected ecosystems.


!! DAILY DOUBLE !! After experiencing a major climate-induced coral bleaching event, how many out of 21 reefs in the study recovered towards their pre-disturbance live coral states?

After the major climate-induced coral bleaching event, 12 out of 21 reefs in the study recovered towards their pre-disturbance live coral states.


According to the paper, why do simple climate exposure models often lead to poor estimates of future coral survival?

Simple climate exposure models often lead to poor estimates of future coral survival because they poorly account for potential geographic variation in biological sensitivity to thermal stress.


Name one key environmental factor that can influence the resistance of coral reefs to thermal stress.

One key environmental factor that can influence the resistance of coral reefs to thermal stress is water depth. Other factors include structural complexity, coral diversity, and herbivorous fish populations.


Name one key factor that contributes to the resilience of coral reefs in the face of stressors like coral bleaching.

Factors that contribute to the resilience of coral reefs include genetic diversity, symbiotic relationships with algae (zooxanthellae), and the presence of herbivorous fish that control macroalgae growth.


Coral reefs rely on a mutualistic relationship with what type of microorganisms to obtain nutrients and their vibrant colors?

Coral reefs rely on a mutualistic relationship with photosynthetic microorganisms known as zooxanthellae to obtain nutrients and their vibrant colors.


How does nitrification affect coral reefs?

Higher nutrient loads (Nitrogen eutrophication) can enhance the growth of algae and result in algae outcompeting corals. With high coral mortality in tandem with Nitrogen eutrophication, algae are able to dominate vital habitat


How was coral sensitivity to thermal stress estimated in this study, and what methods were used for this purpose?

Coral sensitivity to thermal stress was estimated for 226 sites using coordinated bleaching observations and underwater surveys of coral communities.


According to research do coral reefs in different geographic regions exhibit the same level of resistance to thermal stress, or is there variation?

There is geographic variability in the resistance of coral reefs to thermal stress. Different geographic regions may exhibit varying levels of resistance.


What is one of the adaptive mechanisms that corals and reef ecosystems use to enhance their resilience?

Adaptive mechanisms that enhance the resilience of corals and reef ecosystems include bleaching recovery, acclimatization to changing conditions, and the ability to recruit new coral colonies.


What is the hard, rocky structure composed of accumulated layers of calcium carbonate that forms the foundation of coral reefs?

The hard, rocky structure composed of accumulated layers of calcium carbonate that forms the foundation of coral reefs is called the "coral skeleton" or "reef framework."


How does water depth affect coral reefs?

Many threats on coral reefs are worst in shallow water

Due to: Light, Pollution (runoff), Rapid growth of macroalgae


In the study, which geographic areas were found to have higher resistance to thermal stress, the Australian and Indonesian provinces, or the Africa-India and Japan-Vietnam provinces?

Sites in the Australian, Indonesian, and Fiji-Caroline Islands coral provinces had higher resistance to thermal stress compared to sites in the Africa-India and Japan-Vietnam provinces.


What is one the factors that have beed identified as predictors of coral reef resistance to stressors like coral bleaching?

Factors that have been identified as predictors of coral reef resistance to stressors like coral bleaching include water depth, structural complexity, coral diversity, herbivorous fish populations, and nutrient levels.


How can human interventions, such as coral restoration efforts, contribute to enhancing the resilience of coral reefs?

Human interventions, such as coral restoration efforts, can contribute to enhancing the resilience of coral reefs by replanting or propagating corals, removing invasive species, and protecting critical habitats.


Corals reproduce through two main methods: asexual and sexual reproduction. What is the term for the process in which corals release tiny, sexually-reproduced larvae into the water to settle and form new colonies?

The process in which corals release tiny, sexually-reproduced larvae into the water to settle and form new colonies is known as "spawning" or "broadcast spawning."


What do the findings of this study suggest about the likely outcomes for reef ecosystems in response to climate change, and how can this information guide management and adaptation?

The findings of this study suggest that reef ecosystems will have divergent but predictable outcomes in response to climate change. This information can guide improved management and adaptation strategies for coral reefs.


According to the research findings, what were the strongest predictors of coral resistance to thermal stress, in terms of geographic faunal provinces and ecoregions?

The strongest predictors of coral resistance to thermal stress were geographic faunal provinces and ecoregions.


How does understanding coral reef resistance contribute to our ability to address the impact of climate change on these ecosystems?

Understanding coral reef resistance is essential for addressing the impact of climate change on these ecosystems because it helps in predicting and planning for the resilience of coral reefs in the face of rising sea temperatures and other environmental stressors. This knowledge can guide conservation and management efforts to protect coral reefs.


!! DAILY DOUBLE !! Why is understanding coral resilience crucial for the conservation and protection of these ecosystems in the context of climate change?

Understanding coral resilience is crucial for the conservation and protection of these ecosystems in the context of climate change because it helps inform strategies for preserving and restoring coral reefs, ensuring their long-term survival in the face of environmental stressors.
