Groups Experiencing Health Inequities
Cardiovascular Disease
A growing and ageing population
Identify three trends for the nature and extent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health inequities?
17 yr lower life expectancy, Higher mortality rates from preventable causes (eg. CVD, tobacco use), Infant mortality rate is 3 x higher, High obesity levels, 2 x more incidence of smoking, Higher exposure to violence, Higher unemployment rate, Lower education levels, Higher death rates from diabetes, Assault and self-harm are the second leading cause of death for ATSIs, Approximately 50% of all ATSIs smoke, High rates of illicit drug use and depression
What is cardiovascular disease and what disease is the most common?
CVD is all diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Coronary heart disease is the most common.
What are the three types of cancer that we study?
Skin cancer Breast cancer Lung cancer
What is the difference between hypoglaecemia and hyperglycaemia?
Hypoglacemia is where the individual has insufficient sugar in blood (low) whereas Hyperglaecemia is where the individual has too much sugar in blood (high).
What are the syllabus headings under growing and ageing population?
Healthy ageing Increased population living with chronic disease and disability Demand for health services and workforce shortages Availability of carers and volunteers
"ATSIs experience poor living conditions including lack of basics such as; clean water, waste disposal, access to medical care and education." What health determinant does this statement refer to?
Environmental determinant
Identify five groups that are at risk of cardiovascular disease?
ATSIs, Males, People over 65, People with high blood pressure, Over weight/obese people, People with low SES, Smokers, People with family history of CVD, People born in Australia, People with low education levels, Blue collar workers
What is the difference between benign and malignant?
Benign tumours remain localised whereas malignant tumours spread to form a secondary cancer elsewhere in the body.
Choose one determinant of health and provide one example of how it influences the high level of diabetes in Australia.
• Sociocultural determinants o social acceptance that the Australian lifestyle includes high alcohol consumption o ATSI’s are more likely to consume high levels of alcohol • Socioeconomic Determinants o high work demands have led to an increased consumption of high fat diets • Environmental Determinants o impact of technology on work and recreation has led to a decrease in physical activity o high accessibility of fast food has increased consumption of fast foods
Why does Australia have a growing and ageing population?
Australia’s growing and ageing population is due to a sustained low fertility level and an increased life expectancy at birth.
Provide four trends describing the extent of health inequities experienced by the elderly.
Increase reliance on health services, Increased likelihood of falls, Less mobile, Less independent, Diminished quality of life, Higher risk of osteoporosis, Increased risk of depression and anxiety, Increased risk of dementia, arthritis and hypertension, Increasing risk of sight and hearing disorders
Identify three trends highlighting the extent of CVD in Australia.
Accounted for 35% of all deaths in 2005 in Australia, Leading cause of death in Australia, Decreasing morbidity rates, Mortality rates are decreasing for males and females
Provide one trend for each type of cancer.
Skin cancer o 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70 o skin cancer accounts for 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers o Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world Breast cancer o mortality is decreasing o mammograms has increased Lung Cancer o 90% of lung cancer patients are smokers o leading cause of cancer-related deaths o from 1940-1982, death rates of males increased o since 1982, death rates have decreased for males (due to an increased in public health campaigns and legislation eg. advertising and cost) o until 1993, the death rates of females due to lung cancer have increased o since 1993, death rates for females have remained stable o trends indicate that people smoke for 20yrs prior to developing lung cancer
Identify three trends on the extent of diabetes in Australia.
o diabetes is the world’s fastest growing disease o incidence of diabetes is increasing significantly with age as obesity rates have increased o major cause of low life expectancy o occurrence has increased over the past 20yrs o Australia’s 7th leading cause of death o incidence of Type 1 Diabetes has increased by 30% in the past 5yrs o the ATSI’s population has the 4th highest rate of Type 2 diabetes in the world o estimated that 7% of Australians have Type 2 diabetes o approximately 80% of all people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes
What percentage of all diseases in Australia, do chronic diseases account for? How has Australia's health care system dealt with this?
Chronic diseases account for 80% of all diseases in Australia as our ageing population has led to this increase, although there are improved technology, screening, and early detection in order to decrease this burden.
Provide the influences of sociocultural and socioeconomic determinants and one example of each determinant.
Sociocultural – media, peers, religion, family, culture Media – media portray negative stereotypes of ATSI’s (eg. Alcoholism, petrol sniffing) Peers / Religion / Family – hurt and suffering caused through the actions of the Australian Government in relation to the Stolen Generation has impacted the family lives of many of the ATSI individuals / Culture – ATSIs have experience, and continue to experience a loss of culture due to the dispossession from their land Socioeconomic – income, education, employment Income – lower socioeconomic status leading to less home ownership / Education – only 30% of ATSI’s that go to school, complete year 12 / Employment – high rates of unemployment
Provide 2 modifiable and 2 non-modifiable risk factors for CVD.
Modifiable risk factors: smoking, increased blood pressure, lack of physical activity, alcohol consumption, contraceptive pill, diabetes, high fat diets / Non-modifiable risk factors: age, heredity, gender (males at a higher risk), family history
Provide one example from each health determinant that influences the high levels of cancer in Australia.
• Sociocultural determinants o people who tend to marry later and delay having children (women leads to breast cancer) • Socioeconomic determinants o people who have been educated to be more aware of cancer warning signs are more likely to have regular check-ups • Environmental determinants o people are generally not prepared to accept other people smoking in public places o improved workplace safety codes have decreased worker’s exposure to chemicals
Provide 2 risk factors and 2 protective factors of diabetes.
• Risk Factors o non-modifiable: genetic factors (type 1), viral infections o modifiable: high saturated fat diet, high alcohol consumption, obesity, high blood pressure • Protective Factors o testing for diabetes o regular physical activity o eating well balanced diet o decreased alcohol consumption
What has been the impact of a growing and ageing population on the demand for health services and workforce shortages?
Due to the increased population living with chronic disease and disability there is a demand for health services whereby the government has provided more nurses, increased community care and expanded the role of nurses.
Identify five key factors influencing the health of the elderly.
Increased use of resources and services, More susceptible to debilitating diseases and conditions, Increased need to access medical care, Increased effects of ageing on mobility, Increased loneliness and sense of isolation, Increased dependency on others, Reduced financial capacity
Provide one example from each health determinant about the influence on CVD in Australia.
Sociocultural determinants - males are less likely to access health services and more likely to ignore early warning signs due to “macho” mentality, media coverage leads to greater awareness of these risk factors of CVD by providing the public with information, people with ATSI background are less likely to access “conventional” health care / Socioeconomic determinants - low socioeconomic status - this may lead to increased risk factors (eg. smoking, poor diet, excessive alcohol and physical inactivity) / Environmental determinants - access to healthy food products, which leads to better nutrition, improved exercise amenities and public spaces, such as gyms in the workplace, parks and walking and cycling paths to promote physical activity, negative consequence of technology is a decreased desire to be physically active, people who live in rural areas have higher levels of smoking and obesity as a result of low access to health services and information
Who are five groups at risk for developing cancer?
o socioeconomically disadvantaged people o smokers o people with high fat diets o people with low fibre diets o people who spend long periods of time in the sun o people with fair skin o people with a family history of cancer o women who haven’t had children
Identify five groups at risk of diabetes.
o people aged over 65 o family history o overweight/obese o don’t exercise regularly o ATSI’s o socioeconomically disadvantaged people o people who consume high levels of alcohol o people who consume a high-fat diet
What has been the impact of a growing and ageing population on the availability of carers and volunteers?
Caring and volunteer activities are beneficial to the economy and they are usually made up of older Australians however there has been a significant decline over the past decade.