Christian scripture, or holy writings, states that A. Mary Magdalene betrayed Jesus. B. Jesus rose from the dead. C. the Romans tried to save Jesus. D. Jesus’s preaching was dangerous.
What is B. Jesus rose from the dead.
A fact is ______ A. Biased B. Unbiased
What is B. Unbiased
A controlled experiment is designed to test A. A conclusion. B. A hypothesis. C. A measurement.
What is B. A hypothesis.
The exact average of a set of six test scores is 92. Five of these scores are 90, 98, 96, 94, and 85. What is the other test score? A. 92 B. 91 C. 89 D. 86
What is C. 89
In a true/false question, every part of the statement must be true for the answer to be true. A. true B. false
What is true A. true
What is the name of the fertile yellow soil that is deposited along the river bank of the Huang He called? A. Dike B. Loess C. Special Soil D. Flood Soil
What is B. Loess
To understand something through your own senses and logic is ______. A. Perspective B. Fact C. Opinion
What is A. Perspective
The factor that a scientist changes during a controlled experiment is called the __________. A. Dependent variable. B. Independent variable. C. Responding variable.
What is B. Independent variable
Li Na has pound of brownies. She places the brownies into containers that hold pound each until she runs out of brownies. How many full containers of brownies are there? A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
What is C. 8
A well-tested scientific concept that explains a wide range of observations is called a _____. A. Scientific inquiry B. Scientific method C. Scientific theory
What is C. Scientific theory
What does the word agriculture mean? A. systems for bringing water to crops B. living in a permanent settlement C. raising plants and animals D. a period with little or no rain
What is C. raising plants and animals
Physical characteristics that can be seen on the outside of a person are _________ A. Internal character traits B. External character traits
B. External character traits
A chart showing the amount of rain each month in a region is an example of a scientist's _______. A. Conclusions B. Inferences C. Data
What is C. Data
There are 420 candy bars in a case. In 1990, the cost of a candy bar was $0.75. In 2010, the cost rose to $1.15. How much more did a case of candy bars cost in 2010 than in 1990? A. $166 B. $167 C. $168 D. $169
What is C. $168
Max is programming a light show. He plans to use a blue light every 4 seconds. If Max uses an orange light every 7 seconds, both colors will be on at the same time every: A. 14 seconds B. 16 seconds C. 21 seconds D. 28 seconds
What is D. 28 seconds
Hindus and Buddhists believe strongly in reincarnation. What is this? A. A belief that one’s soul will be reborn into something else upon that persons death B. A belief that one can live whatever they want without being affected C. A belief that there is no afterlife D. A belief that there is no God
What is A. A belief that one’s soul will be reborn into something else upon that persons death
The part of the story during which various problems arise after a conflict is introduced is the A. Rising action B. Falling action C. Resolution D. Climax
What is A. Rising action
What must be true of a conclusion to a controlled experiment? A. A conclusion must relate the data to the hypothesis B. A conclusion must show that the hypothesis is correct C. A conclusion much show that the hypothesis is incorrect
What is A. A conclusion must relate the data to the hypothesis
Kofi is one of the best baseball players in his league. His last three pitches have been clocked at 71.025 mph, 72.35 mph, and 71.95 mph. What is the difference between the fastest and slowest pitches that were clocked? A. 3.85 mph B. 0.925 mph C. 2.57 mph D. 1.325 mph
What is D. 1.325 mph
Anything that has mass and takes up space is ________. A. Matter B. Mass C. Energy
What is A. Matter
Which three bodies of water is Greece located along? A. the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Aegean Sea B. the North Sea, Dead Sea, and Red Sea C. the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, and Mediterranean Sea D. the Aegean Sea, the Ionian Sea, and Red Sea
What is C. the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, and Mediterranean Sea
The beginning of a story where characters, setting, and conflict are introduced is called the _______ A. Climax B. Resolution C. Falling Action D. Exposition
What is D. Exposition
A scientific explanation that can be tested by observation or experiment is a(n) A. Inference B. Variable C. Hypothesis
What is C. Hypothesis
A child-size ATV has a gas tank that holds 1.32 gallons of gas. How much will it cost to fill that gas tank if gas costs $2.20 a gallon? Round your answer to the nearest cent. [Ignore tax.] A. $2.64 B. $2.90 C. $3.52 D. $9.04
What is B. $2.90
Something that is written or created by a person who witnessed a historical event is a(n) ________________________. A. primary source B. secondary source C. tertiary source D. oral history
What is A. primary source