Algebra I
Language Arts
Basher Five-Two
Physical Science

Write the equation and solve.

Barron baked a cake for his dad's birthday party and used 4 cups of frosting. Barron also baked cupcakes that needed 1/8 cup of frosting each. He used 18 cups of frosting all together. How many cupcakes did he frost?

112 cupcakes


Complete the synonym analogies

1. joyful : ecstatic :: depressed :_______

2. tired : exhausted ::  energetic : ______

1. sad/sorrowful/unhappy/miserable

2. enthusiastic/lively/bubbly/animated


Why was Scott O'Grady assigned to fly over Bosnia?

to enforce the NATO no-fly zone as part of Operation DENY FLIGHT


What are the five branches of the United States military?

1. Army

2. Air Force

3. Navy

4. Marines

5. Space Force


The smallest chemical unit of matter.



Solve the equation.

5.7x + 13.62 = 2.3x – 9.5

x = -6.8

List 5 interrogative pronouns.







What is NATO?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

a military alliance between 32 European and North American countries that was established in 1949


What are the 3 branches of government?

1. Legislative

2. Executive

3. Judicial


Remember the acronym for the metric system: King Henry Doesn't believe dogs can meow (KHDbdcm).

A mass of coal measures to be 15,789 grams.

What is the coal's mass in kilograms? Round to the nearest tenth.

15.8 kg


Solve the equation.

  -4(2x + 2) +  5(3x – 1) = -20

x = -1


What kind of verbs are in the following sentences?

I am happy.

He is nice.

They are crazy.

She was right.

We were elated.

He will be the winner.

They have been out of town.

Being verbs


 A flight suit worn by pilots and astronauts to protect them from the effects of high levels of acceleration, or G-forces is called.....?



What is one of the most important jobs for a Governor?

Preparing the budget for the state 


Convert between English and Metric Units.

Josiah's shoes are 12 inches long. How many centimeters long are his shoes? Round to the nearest tenth.

30.5 cm


Write the equation and solve.

Trump makes MAGA hats. They have costs for materials and labor. They add a 60% mark-up on the hats when they sell them online. If the sales price is $24, which is the cost plus the mark-up, what is Trump's cost to make the hats?

Trump's cost = $15


Connect these two independent clauses without using a conjunction.

After the shot was fired, he fell to the ground.

He stood back up and defiantly shook his fist in the air.

After the shot was fired, he fell to the ground; he stood back up and defiantly shook his fist in the air.


1. What shot down Scott O'Grady's plane? 

2. What slight miscalculation had Capt. O’Grady made about his free fall? 

3. How did it affect his safety?

1. SAM / Surface to Air Missile

2. O'Grady ejected at an altitude where his parachute would deploy automatically, but instead yanked the override handle.

3. O'Grady's miscalculation made him a trackable target for more than 25 minutes as he descended. 


1. Who wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner?"

2. When was it written?

3. Who set it to music?

4. When was it adopted as our national anthem?

1. Francis Scott Key

2. during the war of 1812

3. John Stafford Smith

4. Congress approved it in March, 1931


What are the two vital functions of carbon dioxide?

1. Provides the means by which plants can synthesize their own food.

2. Regulates the temperature of the earth.


-7/12𝑥 + 1/4 = -1/9 𝑥 − 11

x= 42/17


Label the parts of the business letter.

11207 Casey Rd.            1._______

Tampa, FL 33618 

Space X                         2. _______

12 Rockets Road

Boca Chica, TX  12345

Dear Mr. Musk,                3. ________

I've enjoyed test driving your latest Tesla model. It is quite easy to get a speeding ticket while driving it on the highway. I am writing to you to ask for the opportunity to interview for a position at Tesla in Tampa. I would like to clear up some misconceptions you may have about me. It has been reported in the news that I have fifty outstanding speeding tickets. That is fake news. I assure you, I have only twenty outstanding speeding tickets. All of them were acquired while driving a Tesla. Therefore, I have extensive experience in driving your cars and love them all. I would do an outstanding job at selling your vehicles. You may reach me at the above address.                       4.__________

Thank you for your consideration, 5. _____

Sincerely,      6. ________

Corey McKeown

Corey McKeown.    7. ________


1. Heading

2. Inside Address

3. Greeting/Salutation

4. Body

5. Closing

6. Signature


1. How long was Capt. Scott O'Grady behind enemy lines before he was rescued?

2. What did he eat?

3. What was his call sign?

1.  6 days

2. ants

3. Basher Five-Two


List the 5 freedoms found in the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Freedom of:

1. religion

2. speech

3. press

4. assembly

5. petition the government


A supersonic jet travels in the stratosphere. If such a plane were flying over a region experiencing thunderstorms, how would the supersonic jet be affected? Why?

The supersonic jet would not be affected, because the earth's weather occurs mostly in the troposphere and the stratosphere is above the troposphere.


Solve the absolute value equation.

−2|2𝑥 − 3| = −14

x = 5     or      x = -2


What are the three different approaches that can be taken when writing a persuasive essay?

1. an appeal to emotion

2. an appeal to reason

3. an appeal to authority


Why didn’t O’Grady consider himself a hero? 

Who did he think were the real heroes?

“Naw, I'm not a hero,” he said. “All I was was a scared little bunny rabbit trying to hide, trying to survive.” His ability to both avoid capture and stay alive, he said, was due to extensive military training. The real heroes, O'Grady said, are the Marines who risked their own lives to rescue him.


1. Which President created the U.S. Department of Homeland Security?

2. When?

3. Why?

1. President George W. Bush

2. March 1, 2003

3. Because of the 911 terrorist attack and lack of communication between organizations on that day. It's purpose is to make our country safer.


Water has a very high boiling point (212 degrees Fahrenheit) compared to most other substances that are liquid. Use hydrogen bonding to explain why this the case.

Water has a high boiling point, because hydrogen bonds hold the molecules together and require a lot of heat (high boiling point) to pull t them apart so they can turn into a gas.
