I can ask and respond to questions.
Communication - Connect and Engage with Others (to share and develop ideas)
I can get new ideas and/or build on other people's ideas to create new things.
Creative Thinking - Novelty and Value
I can share and celebrate my efforts, ideas, and accomplishments.
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Self-Determination
I know my name. I know that I am different and unique from other people.
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Relationships and Cultural Contexts
I can participate in activities that support my health and happiness.
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Well-Being
I can accept responsibility for my actions.
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Self-Regulation
I can make positive choices that will help keep me safe, including when I'm online.
Personal Awareness & Responsibility - Well-Being
I can experiment with different ways of doing things.
Critical Thinking - Develop and Design
I plan and present information clearly and in an organized way.
Communication - Acquire, Interpret, and Present Information (includes inquiries)
I can participate actively in classroom and group activities to make my classroom, school, community, or natural world a better place.
Social Responsibility - Contributing to Community and Caring for the Environment
I learn from my experiences, including my mistakes, and remember what I learned for the next time.
Creative Thinking - Developing Ideas
I can build positive relationships with others. I know when other people need some help and I give help when it is needed.
Social Responsibility - Building Relationships
I can show and/or tell how my learning connects to my experiences and efforts.
Communication - Explain/Recount and Reflect on Experiences and Accomplishments
I can advocate for others.
Social Responsibility - Valuing Diversity
I can ask open-ended questions and gather information.
Critical Thinking - Question and Investigate
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Personal Strengths and Abilities
I can understand and share information about a topic that is important to me.
Communication - Connect and Engage with Others (to share and develop ideas)
I can use strategies that help me manage my feelings and emotions.
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Self-Regulation
I choose to learn a lot about things I have a strong interest in, so that I am able to come up with new ideas.
Creative Thinking - Generating Ideas
I can explain what I believe in, and how it affects choices I make.
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Personal Values and Choices
I can consider other people's ideas and points of view. I can express a different opinion in a polite and respectful way.
Social Responsibility - Solving Problems in Peaceful Ways
I have pride in who I am. I know that my identity is made up of different parts (such as family, communities, school, friends heritage).
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity - Relationships and Cultural Contexts
I try to understand how other people feel. I can take steps to help everyone feel included.
Social Responsibility - Building Relationships
I can reflect on and explain my thinking, work, and choices, and decide if they worked or not.
Critical Thinking - Analyze and Critique
I can express my ideas and I encourage others to express theirs.
Communication - Collaborate to Plan, Carry Out, and Review Constructions and Activities