How do you say ''My name is''
''Je m'appelle''
How do you say ''My mother''
''Ma mère''
What is eyes in french?
What is the conjugation for the verb avoir with the subject Je?
What is the word ''Tomorrow'' in french?
How do you say ''I am ___ years old''?
J'ai ___ ans.
What is ''my sister'' in french?
Ma soeur
What is the word for someone with Hazel eyes?
What is the conjugation for the verb avoir with the subject Elle.
What is the word ''Week'' in french?
How do you say ''I live in...''
J'habite à
How do you say ''My grandfather''
''Mon grand-père''
Translate this word: ''Ondulée''
What is the conjugation for the verb être with the subject Tu.
Tu es
How would you say ''Last night'' in french?
Hier soir
What is ''guinea pig'' in french?
''Cochon d'Inde''
How do you say ''My half-sister''
What is the word for ''contacts'' in french
What is the conjugation for the verb être with the subject Vous.
How do you say ''Weekend'' in french?
Fin de semaine
How do you say ''I speak English and a little bit of French''.
How do you say: ''My step-father''
''Mon beau-père''
Translate this sentence: ''I have curly, red hair and blue eyes''.
''J'ai des cheveux roux bouclés et des yeux bleu.''
What is the conjugation for the verb être with the subject Ils.
Ils sont
How would you say ''This weekend, I'm going to...''
Ce fin de semaine, je vais...