7 x 3 =?
What is 21?
unscramble the following ywnso.
what is snowy?
The name of a character from your favourite book.
who is...?
He is over _____.
What is there?
If I had 6 candies, then I got three more.
What is 9?
This number should go into the section that says 7 x 2.
What is 14?
Unscramble the word prgnsi.
What is a spring?
Name a character from the story," Frozen"
Who is...?
It is ___________ choice.
What is their?
We saw 7 sailboats, then 4 others came before we left.
What is 11?
What is 7x0?
What is 0?
Unscramble the word naitunom?
What is a mountain?
The main events in a story.
What is the plot?
I like them; _________ my favourite.
What is they're?
Jane shovelled 10 buckets of snow last night and another 10 buckets today.
What is 20?
What number should be placed in the section after 7x 5?
What is 35?
Uncrsmble the word gelyral.
What is an allergy?
Another name for the villain in the story.
Who is an antagonist?
_______ can be seen all around Victoria.
What are deers?
We travelled 20 km before we rested then travelled another 3 km.
What is 23?
This is 7x7.
What is 49?
unscramble the word antsconon.
What is a consonant?
The story falls into this category when the hero dies.
What is a tragedy?
_________ interesting animals.
What is they're?
Ann has 50 stickers, Janes has 40, and James has 3.
what is 93?