True or False
You have to have permission to report a threat or incident.
What is the Texas Abuse and Neglect Hotline number?
True or False:
A person using violence should be referred to anger management?
Bonus: Where should they be referred?
True or False:
Children grow and develop at different rates but they all have milestones that must be reached.
True or False:
A physical house (dwelling) is not the same as the household in the assessment tools.
What are the 3 outcomes evaluated by the Child and Family Services Review? (CFSR)
1. Safety
2. Permanency
3. Well-being
True or False:
Sexually aggressive behavior is sexual behavior in which a child takes advantage of another person who is younger than them
Sexually aggressive behavior is sexual behavior in which a child takes advantage of another person who is less powerful regardless of age.
Name 2 things a victim of domestic violence may do to act protectively for their children
-Placate the abuse
-Endure the abuse
-Try to manage the use of violence by anticipating the moods of the person using violence
-The victim may modify their own behavior or divert attention
-Seek outside help
-Hit back
Name the 2 types of drug testing methods used at OC-OK
Hair Strand
What does risk indicate a likelihood of?
Future abuse/neglect/maltreatment
How do "buzzwords" affect our casework and the families we work with?
Buzzwords label a family and do not demonstrate our principle of respect.
Name 3 of the more vulnerable population to Human Trafficking
-Experienced childhood abuse or neglect
-Foster care and juvenile justice systems
-Runaway and homeless youth
-Native Americans, Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders
-Victims of Violence
-Migrant workers
-Undocumented immigrants
-Racial and ethnic minorities
-People with disabilities
-People with low incomes
-History of substance abuse
-Communicate exposed to intergenerational trauma
True or False:
The ADA and Section 504 apply to any individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits 2 or more major life activities
Only one or more major life activity must be limited
Name 2 ways drug use by a parent or caregiver affects children
-Unsafe living
-Physical danger
When is a safety assessment completed in an ongoing case?
-Prior to returning a child home from a PCSP
-Whenever circumstances suggest that the child's safety may be jeopardized
-Before recommending that the court dismiss OC-OK conservatorship
Which type of abuse includes "risk of harm" language in the statutory definition?
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
What are the 5 Types of Neglect?
1. Abandonment
2. Neglectful Supervision
3. Medical Neglect
4. Physical Neglect
5. Refusal to Assume Parental Responsibility
What is people first language?
People first language emphasizes the individual over the condition
Name 2 different types of trauma
1. Acute
2. Chronic
3. Complex
4. Historical
What is the difference between cultural humility and cultural competence?
Cultural Humility - acknowledges the life-long process.
Cultural Competence - suggests that you will one day become competent
What are the 5 different dispositions?
1. Reason to Believe
2. Ruled Out
3. Unable to Complete
4. Unable to Determine
5. Administrative Closure
Rephrase the sentence to remove subjectivity.
Kacy is an alcoholic
Judge decision
Rephrase to include observable info:
Sam appeared developmentally on target for his age
Judge Decision
Name 2 things that should be considered to determine if someone has "significant in-home contact" and should be a part of the household being assessed.
-Frequency of contact
-If the adult is a caregiver to the child while in the home
-Remember that a child may be member of two households (parents live separately)
-Household composition can change during the life of a case. Therefore, the household may look differently at the next decision point.