Nothing changes when nothing changes
What is the life lesson for Chapter 3?
= Healthy Relationships
Growth Mindset + Quality of Life
The hormone released when you experience stress.
What is cortisol?
coming into agreement
a better alternative to compromise
This too Shall Pass!
What is the Life Lesson from chapter 1?
The foundation could crumble.
What happens if one of your pillars is not supported?
to create a safe and fun place for you to learn and grow
What are boundaries for?
Intellectual, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Financial, Physical
What are the six pillars of a healthy relationship?
Purpose, Pathway, and Personality
When I change what I think, I will change what I think and do
What is the life lesson from chapter 2.
are what ACT stands for. They are a process to deal with unhealthy relationships.
What are Assess, Courage, and Transition?
What matters to you, matters to me.
I mean you no harm.
I only want the best for you.
Must pass the test of time.
What are the 4 Elements of a Healthy Relationship?
a topic or behavior that you are not okay with in a relationship
What is the "No-Fly Zone"?
What is a possible 7th pillar?
is about making very small changes to keep on your trajectory in life
What is the 1/8 principle?
tend to be more stable, live longer, are more emotionally/physically healthy, have a lower incidence of suicide, require less health care, etc
What are some of the advantages of HEALTHY relationships?
I want to fulfill and experience my purpose. I want to develop myself fully by investing in myself, I want to build with the pillars of intimacy
What are some reasons to choose to build a healthy relationship?
Every pillar is needed to create a strong foundation.
Why is EVERY pillar important?
they protect, provide personal growth, show we understand ourselves, show that we respect ourselves, etc.
What are boundaries?
I about thinking of something happy and/or funny for 5 minutes a day and sharing it for 10 minutes a day.
The 5/10 principle.
This means that both parties treat each other with the 4 Elements of a Healthy Relationship. It is healthy.
What is a mutual/2-way relationship.
This means that only one person treat the other person with the 4 Elements of a Healthy Relationship. It is an unhealthy relationship.
What is One Way?
What things in the brain act like little housekeepers and throw away neural pathways you don't use anymore.
What are microgalia?
Improvement in academics, motivation to make life changes, creates gratitude, altruism, resilience, hope, reduced psychosocial stress, improved mental health
What are neuroprotective factors of finding and living your purpose?
What is Maslow's word for living your purpose?