Two functions make up an Arduino sketch. void setup() {...} and THIS
void loop() { ... }
What does the number 6 do in this piece of code? pinMode(6, INPUT);
use pin 6 on the microcontroller
THIS component often accompanies LEDs and other components to limit current flow
THESE two inputs would be written in the digitalWrite command to cause a 5V signal to send from pin 3.
Tufts University
Include the pinMode function in THIS part of the Arduino sketch
void setup ()
What does LOW do in the following code? digitalWrite(7,LOW);
send a low signal (0V), in this case to pin 7
THIS is a construction base that allows you to easily develop and replace an electronic circuit and wirings
LED stands for THIS
light emitting diode
I went to undergrad in THIS state (bonus points for getting the city or university!)
Denver, University of Denver
THIS is the unit of time in Arduino, e.g. delay(2000);
milliseconds (1/1000 seconds)
2000 ms = 2 s
THIS command is used to send a signal with a range of possible values
THIS is the name of the pin(s) that serve as a reference point for 0 Volts
THIS kind of motor moves to specific positions based on angle
servo motor
My family comes from THIS country in the Middle East
THIS is a set of user-defined instructions that can be called over and over in a program
THIS command is used to receive a signal from a switch
THIS is the maximum input voltage to an input pin of an Arduino board
THIS is the method used to control speed of a DC motor
PWM, pulse width modulation
I have biked from Boston to THIS CITY twice
THIS command starts serial communication between the Arduino and the serial monitor
THIS command is used to receive a signal from a temperature sensor wired to pin 7
THIS is the number of digital I/O pins on the Arduino Uno / RedBoard
THIS symbol indicates which pins can be used with pulse width modulation
THIS is the first song on the Dad Rock & Draw playlist (must be 100% correct for points!)
Escape (The Pina Colada Song)