What time does CORAL end?
The Math book has 1522 pages in the first part, and 1488 in the answer section. How many pages does it have?
Why do bees have sticky hair?
Because they use their honeyCOMBS
cruel stepmother will not let her go to the ball?
Who is the Cornerstone CORAL manager?
Mr. Rizo
Chris is buying some generators. The generatiors cost $12,000 each and she needs 11 of them. How much will it cost her?
What is yours, but is mostly used by others?
Your Name
A movie about founding facebook
Name all the CORAL CASI's
Ms. Mary, Mr. Jose, Ms. Cory, Ms. Donna, Ms. Marisol, Mr. Abe, Ms. Ashley, Ms. Jeannette, Ms. Katrena, Ms. Diaz
The Girl Schouts are having their annoyal cookie sale week. Cat and Kahlan sell 5 boxes of cookies each day. How many boxes of cookies did Emily sell?
35 Boxes
what has many rings, but no fingers?
A telephone
Who did Maverick fly with in Top Gun 1?
What's Mr. Rizo's first name?
There were 46 passsengers on the bus. 19 passengers got off at the first stop. 15 passengers got off at the second stop. How many passengers were left on the bus?
12 people
What is light as a feather but only the strongest can hold?
Your breathe
Who was Aang's first firebending master?
Jong Jong
What does CORAL stand for?
Communities Organizing Resources to Advance Learning
simplify this equation:
what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 in the evening?
A human
Kingdom of Heaven: What is the name of the sword technique Godfrey told Balian to use when fighting?
Guard of the Hawk