Set in the 1980s, the series centers around the residents of the fictional small town of Hawkins, Indiana, as they are plagued by a hostile alternate dimension known as the Upside Down, after a nearby human experimentation facility opens a gateway between Earth and the Upside Down.
Stranger Things
Which desert covers most of Northern Africa?
What is the currency used in the United Kingdom?
British Pound Sterling (GBP)
I'm Lovin' It
What is the name of the social media app that allows users to create short-form videos set to music?
The series is centered around the journey of twelve-year-old Aang, along with his friends Katara, Sokka, and Toph, as they strive to end the Fire Nation's war against the other nations and defeat Fire Lord Ozai before he conquers the world.
Avatar the Last Airbender
Which continent has no rivers?
Who is the founder of Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer?
Jeff Bezos
The happiest place on earth
Who famously interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, sparking controversy and backlash?
Kanye West
This series follows the adventures and exploits of a teenage girl who is forced to enroll at Nevermore Academy after being expelled from her previous high school.
Which city has more bridges?
Amsterdam or Venice
This teams-messaging platform was bought by Salesforce in 2021
Save money. Live better.
What do the following fictional characters have in common: Louis de Point du Lac, Edward Cullen, Spike, and Jessica Hamby?
They are vampires
The series follows fifteen men and fifteen women, all from the same metropolitan area, hoping to find love. For 10 days, the men and women date each other in purpose-built "pods" where they can talk to each other through a speaker but not see each other.
Love is Blind
What European country consists of a boot-shaped peninsula surrounded by four seas?
What is the largest fast-food chain in the world by the number of locations?
A diamond is forever
Da Beers
Who is the most followed person on Instagram?
1. Cristiano Ronaldo
2. Ariana Grande
3. Kylie Jenner
4. Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)
Eight close-knit siblings of this family look for love and happiness in London high society. Inspired by Julia Quinn's bestselling novels.
What is the smallest country in Asia?
The Republic of Maldives.
After Microsoft paid $26 billion for it in 2016, which business website might keep nagging Microsoft to update its resume?
Think Different
Which TV show is set in the fictional city of Westeros?
Game of Thrones