What is the tool used to remove bulk from the hair?
Thinning shears
What is the process of shaping and directing the hair into an S pattern with the use of fingers, combs, and waving lotion?
What has a pH below 7 and contracts and hardens the hair?
Who were the first culture to cultivate beauty in an extravagant fashion?
What is the outline or silhouette of a hairstyle known as?
What is a disease that is communicable or easily spread by contact called?
What type of brush is used to speed up the blow drying process?
Thermal curls that sit in the center of their base; strong curls with full volume___________
full base or on base
A person’s physical posture, walk and movements is known as _________________________
physical presentation
The main active ingredient in shampoo is ________________
the bone that forms the forehead
What type of shampoo contains special chemicals or drugs that are very
effective in reducing excessive dandruff?
Muscular, cone=shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system
Listening to a client and then repeating, in your own words, what you think the client has said is known as what?
reflective listening
Heavy long bone that forms the leg above the knee
Skeleton of the head: divided into two parts: cranium and facial skeleton
Hair loss that is characterized by the sudden falling out of hair in round patches or baldness in spots is known as which of the following?
alopecia areata
The process of removing excess bulk with out shortening hair length is ___________ .
Kosmetikos is a Greek word meaning _____________
Comfortable well-fitted shoes should have ____________
low heels
The process of thinning the hair to graduated lengths with shears is known as _______________________
Curving inward: Prominent forehead and chin, with other features receded inward.
Which bonds are chemical side bonds formed when the sulfur atoms in two adjacent protein chains are joined together?
Gland of the endocrine system that controls how quickly the body burns energy (metabolism), makes proteins, and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones.
Thyroid Gland
What does OSHA stand for?
Occupational health and safety adminstration