Name one service that we offer at CTEC.
Haircut, Style, Mani/Pedi, any face waxing, perms, colors
How many hours does CTEC require you to earn in order to get your cosmetology license?
2000 hours
What is Kylee's favorite service to do?
What is the most important subject we learn in school?
Infection control.
What does CTEC stand for?
Canyons Tehnical Education Center
Name 2 mens services that we offer at CTEC.
Haircut, Face Shaves, Waxing, Head Shaves
How many hours does the state require you to earn in order to get your cosmetology license?
1600 hours
When will Jossy get her license?
July 8th
What subject does the state really put an emphasis on?
Infection Control
Name another program at CTEC?
Welding, CNA, Computer Programming, etc.
Name 3 womens services offered at CTEC
Women's cuts, Updo, mani/pedi
When is the earliest you can get your license from CTEC?
When you graduate high school.
When will Nikole get her license?
Name 1 subject that you wouldn't expect to have to learn in cosmetology school?
Electricity, Anatomy, History,
What kinds of credit can you earn at CTEC?
High school and college credit
How many state tests are required in order to get your license?
2. State board practical and written exams.
When did we start cosmetology school?
Fall 2017/ Junior year
Why is it important to know about electricity as a cosmetologist?
correct care of implements, cosmetologist use many elctrical apliances and need to know the basics of how their alliances work
At what age can you start CTEC?
Junior year, 16(ish)
What are 2 services that are under a cosmetology licence but we don't offer at CTEC?
Facials, Acrylics, Leg Waxing...
What score do you need in order to pass the state board exams to get your license?
75% or higher.
What school is Nikole going to after this to finish getting her license?
Evans Hairstyling College
Why is it important for a cosmetologist to know anatomy?
What is the name of the principal at CTEC?
Ken Spurlock