Paul Mitchell
John Sahag
Sarah Stamp
Chris McMillan
Mia Neal

Learning how to handle a confrontation and how to share your feelings without going overboard are important indicators of maturity and demonstrations of this.

What is emotional stability?


1. Providing skills and competent services  

2. Being honest, courteous, and sincere  

3.Avoiding sharing clients’ private matters- even with your closest friends

4.  Participating in continuing education and staying on track with new information, techniques, and skills  

5. Giving clients accurate information about treatments and products.

These are all examples of ______________.

What is professional behavior?


 You have this when you are being interested in other people and being responsive to their feelings, opinions, and ideas (really listening instead of pretending to do so)

What is receptivity?


This is an unhealthy compulsion to do things without a mistake.

What is perfectionism?


People with these usually have warm personalities; they find it easy to talk about themselves and listen to others when they want something, they can ask for it clearly and directly.

What are effective communication skills?


If your motivation is this (ma family member wants you to be a cosmetologist, your best friend thinks you should be a nail technician), you may find it harder to be successful

What is external?


____________ skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments

What is study?


This is based on inner strength and begins with trusting your ability to achieve your goals

What is self-esteem?


This involves knowing what you want to achieve and keeping yourself on track so that you eventually achieve your goal

What is self-management? 


When you take care of personal needs (eat well, sleep well, spend time doing things you enjoy) you will be able to keep up your __________ and be prepared to excel in your career.

What is energy?


The more you practice this, the more easily your dream will turn into a reality

What is visualization?


This propels you to do something

What is motivation?


 This is conscious act of planning your life; you can have daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and lifelong goals and plans.

What is a game plan?


This is the ability to deliver truthful, even sometimes critical or difficult, messages in a kind way.

What is diplomacy (tact)?


These TWO things guide your behavior and give you direction

What are values and goals?


This is an unlimited internal resource of ideas and solutions.  

What is creativity?


Keep your personal life separate from your work- talking about your personal life and that of others is ___________________ at work.

What is counterproductive?


True or False?

It is best to lie down when studying, in order to remain alert.

What is false?


 This is the part of a business plan that establishes values the institution lives by as well as target goals.

What is a mission statement?


These goals measured in larger sections of time. Ex. Completing my 1000 hours in order to take state boards

What is long-term?


Learn to do this by ordering tasks on your to-do list from most important to least important

What is prioritize?


These are the moral principles by which we all live and work.

What are ethics?


To___________your creativity: 

• Do not be self-critical

 • Do not look to others for motivation 

• Change your vocabulary-use positive, problem-solving words 

• Do not try to go it alone-work together with others

What is enhance?


These tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments

What are study skills?


This is putting things off things that need to be done

What is procrastination?
