About how many bacteria can be found in a teaspoon of soil?
~1,000,000,000 (1 billion)
The name of a 2011 hurricane that has essentially been replaced by "tortilla"
Hurricane Katrina
Time to read the scriptures! What religion allows you to wear a colander on your head for you driver's license photo?
Forget Mickey, who's the rabbit?
The other well-know carnivorous plant named for its similarity to a container.
Pitcher plant
The tallest mountain in Everest. It's part of what range?
Ideal conditions, often in the ocean, for a hurricane leads to what?
A perfect storm
It's April 1st, and the BBC has a good idea. What plant did they invent as a prank?
Pasta Trees
What Disney production has recently entered public domain
Steamboat Willie
What movie featured plants emmiting something that caused people to end their own lives?
The Happening
Are soil and dirt the same?
No: Soil is "alive" and dirt is just dirt
A very real mouse trap (invented in America) featured what to kill the mouse?
A gun
What is the building Scrooge McDuck routinely stores and swims in his money called?
The Money Bin
What plant is a Minecraft creeper theorized to be made of? (As in from Game Theory)
Peat Moss
Why do earthworms come out of the ground when it rains?
They can survive on the surface
What are the Northern Lights made of?
Charged particles hitting the atmosphere
You've got kangaroos trying to kill you, spiders trying to kill you, snakes trying to kill you, and a special hoax animal called a what?
Drop Bear
What type of magic did Luz choose to study in The Owl House?
All of them
What incredibley deadly North American plant is also part of the carrot family?
Water Hemlock
How many pounds of total living matter can be found in the top 6 inches of an acre of soil?
20,000 pounds
How deep was the deepest snow in the United States, being in Tamarack, California?
451 inches (37.5 feet)
Have you ever been here? Do you know someone from here? Have you ever seen any pictures of it? You shouldn't because this European country doesn't exist!
Which one of these is a false fact about Heinz Doofenshmirtz?
His parents weren't present for his own birth, he lost a poetry contest to a baking soda volcano, he accidentally immigrated to America, he holds the record for least relevant person in Gimmelshtump.
He holds zero records.
Which one of these can you eat?
Daffodil, Rhubarb, Forsythia ,Foxglove.