When you want to get a picture of a cosplayer you should do this
What is ask for permission to take a picture?
This material is shiny, waterproof, and doesn't fray!
What is Pleather/vinyl/PVC?
This tool can cut almost anything that involves thin plastic, paper, or cardboard.
What are scissors?
Many memes are made about this but everyone should do this when going to a con where it could get really warm.
What practice basic hygiene?
What is satin/silk typically used for in cosplay?
Ball gowns and formal wear costumes are typically made out of this.
This can be really rude, be offensive to cosplayers and the work they have put into their own work.
What is comparing cosplayers?
What costumes typically use faux fur in cosplay?
Fursuiters/mascot costumes typically use this material to craft their cosplays!
After applying a smooth foundation and before applying a blush or bronzer, what should you apply on your face to give a matte finish?
What is pressed powder?
This material can be used to make armor, weapons and accessories.
What is EVA foam?
When attending a convention, it is always a good idea to leave your stuff with a _______
What is friend/handler?
Name 3 local fabric shops.
Joanns, Hobby Lobby, and the Sewing Center are places you can get fabric and sewing notions alike.
This tiny, but mighty, kit is EXTREMELY helpful for those cosplay mishaps!
What is a sewing kit?