Large Plain Pizza at Papa Johns
Average utilities for 915 sq ft Apartment
Target Shampoo Small
Super Basic Laptop
Toyota Camry
Average concert ticket
Gallon of Milk
Average cost of internet/cable
$50 a month
A haircut at Supercuts (no tips)
CPR First Aid Class
BMW 4-Series
Labradoodle from breeder
Large Boba Tea
Average rent for a two-bedroom apartment-ish
Average ER Visit cost
A Gallon of gas
One nonstop roundtrip air ticket to Hawaii in Dec
Average Coffee at the Grind
Rent for a 1 bedroom apartment
Average cost for toilet paper for one person, per month?
Average Tuition for Out-of-state at WVU
Cost to park at the Mountainlair for a full day
Meal for 2 people (mid-range restaurant)
4 Pack of Cookies from Crumbl
Basic shoes from Target
Shaving Cream
Annual Tuition at WVU In-State
Cost to Uber to PIT Airport from here
Movie Ticket for 1
Average Chick-fil-A meal
Nike Shoes
Monthly phone bill for 1 person
$125 a month
Monthly Standard Netflix Subscription