What are the colors of the Cost Rican flag?
The flag is blue, red, and white.
What are small open air restaurants called?
Where can you find sloths in Costa Rica?
Anywhere with lots of trees.
How do you say 'Monkey' in Spanish?
Why can't you flush toilet paper down the toilet in many places?
The plumbing is not strong enough.
What is Gallo Pinto?
Gallo Pinto is a beans and rice dish with seasonings.
What is the Clay Colored Thrush, the national bird of Costa Rica, known for?
It's beautiful song!
What is Turtle or Sea turtle if you can, in Spanish?
Turtle: Tortuga
Sea Turtle: Tortuga Marina
What do some Costa Ricans call themselves?
What is a traditional Costa Rican dress called?
The dress is called a Traje Tipico and is typically the colors of the Costa Rican flag.
Why are there strong green ropes connecting two or more trees, in Costa Rica.
The ropes are bridges for sloths, monkeys and other small creatures to get above traffic without getting electrocuted by power lines.
What is 'flag' in Spanish?