What does Costa Rica connect?
What is North and South America
True or False - Most people in Costa Rica live a good standard of living?
What is True
What country colonized Costa Rica?
What is Spain
Historically what is the most successful industry in Costa Rica
What is farming
What natural disaster is Costa Rica likely to experience?
What is a volcanic eruption
What body of water is to the east of Costa Rica?
What is the Caribbean Sea
Costa Ricans enjoy a life expectancy of how many years?
What is 79-80 years
What did Costa Rica do with its armed forces?
What is disbanded it completely.
What is the biggest export that Costa Rica sends out of the country?
What is coffee
What is the capital city of Costa Rica
What is San Jose
What body of water is to the west of Costa Rica
What is the Pacific Ocean
What is the official language of Costa Rica
What is Spanish
What has Costa Rica done with the money they would typically use for their military?
What is use the money for health care and education.
What country is Costa Rica's biggest trading partner?
What is the United States
What religion do over 70% of Costa Rican's practice?
What is Roman Catholicism.
What is the one threat the land of Costa Rica faces?
What is volcanic activity
What is the favorite Sport in Costa Rica?
What is Soccer
What country is Costa Rica's government most similar to?
What is the United States
In modern times what is the leading industry in Costa Rica?
What is Tourism
What does the term "Pura Vida" mean in Costa Rica?
What is the pure life
What percentage of Costa Rica is National Park?
What is 25%
Most Costa Ricans consider themselves to be what ethnic makeup?
What is white
What percentage of Costa Rica's power is made through renewable energy?
What is 95-99%
Why do so many people from other countries want to visit Costa Rica.
What is to visit the Rain Forests
What percentage of deforestation has Costa Rica been able to reduce down to?
What is 0%