When you pay attention to what you say and do you are practicing?
Self Awareness
When you explode if something happens, you are behaving like a bottle of?
This "Golden Rule" is also the title of a song by the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin...
Going to class on time is a part of what habit?
Be proactive
Getting to know someone, spending time with them, and sharing interests is a part of what type of relationship?
Knowing your strengths and ____________ will help you to become more self-aware.
Taking deep breaths and counting to ______ is something I do when I become angry.
Saying please and thank you are examples of what parents teach you to "mind"
What does M.A.D. stand for in the Costley's MAD about SEL themed week?
Making A Difference
There are ______ habits of Highly Effective Teens.
I am only permitted to ask for a pass ________ after and _________ before the __________.
10 minutes, 10 minutes, period ends
When I need to leave the classroom for any reason, I ask the teacher for a ______.
This week has been a celebration of?
SEL Social Emotional Learning
Listening, respecting, and building a rapport with my __________ will help me to learn in class.
Who is the School Counselor responsible for BAM and VPA?
Ms. D.
Our school is comprised of how many cluster or teams?
What computer program do we use to complete the Academic and Personal/Social SMART Goal as well as the Career Key?
What school is MAD with SEL?
In order to make the ___________, I must earn As and Bs in every subject.
Honor Roll
Who is the School Counselor responsible for GPL and STEM?
Ms. Burks
If it has to be, it is up to_______.
A bottle of ___________ behaves calmy and rationally in a negative situation.
SEL stand for Social __________ __________?
Emotional Learning
In order to particpate in the _________, __________, and ___________, I must follow ALL school rules and obtain the necessary points.
Class Trip, 8th Grade Social, and Promotion Exercise
We recently watched a video in which a student decided to be proactive and make a change, what was his name?