
Name two things you can do to help prevent pimples/acne.

Wash face daily, use products with salicylic acid or other acne products, exfoliate, wash pillowcases/makeup brushes more frequently, keep hair out of face, avoid touching your face, change face masks, etc.


True or false: washing your hair everyday is bad for your hair.

It depends! Washing hair every day can cause it to dry out, but it depends on the type of hair.


True or false: Dust is the same thing as dirt.

FALSE! Dust is made of not only dirt, but mostly of dead skin cells, pet dander, pollen, clothing/linen fibers, hair, plant matter, plastic, pretty much anything solid that can be broken down to smaller particles.


How can you improve your dental health?

Floss daily, brush twice a day, use mouthwash, visit the dentist every six months, limit sugar consumption, limit acidic drinks and foods, don’t smoke, rinse after eating, etc.


You use this when shaving with a traditional razor, for smoother results.

Shaving cream makes it easier to pull the razor against the skin, compared to soap. Using shaving cream can help prevent cuts.

Use a new razor for a cleaner shave and to avoid cuts.


What is dandruff caused by?

Dandruff can be caused by dry skin, oily skin, sensitivity/allergy to hair products, skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, fungus. 

How to treat dandruff?
Massage scalp with fingertips (do not scratch with fingernails), rinse well, dry with low heat with dryer pointing away from scalp. Use medicated shampoo, if necessary.


What factors contribute to body odor? Name a factor and a solution for each.

Lack of washing/rinsing/drying, not wearing (effective) deodorant, sweat/oil causing bacteria, wearing unwashed/sweaty clothes/shoes, sleeping in unwashed/sweaty bedsheets, drying with unwashed/stinky towel, hormones, medications, fungal infections, body hair, perfumes, skincare products, food, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.

True or false: Smoking and vaping have no harmful effects on oral hygiene.

FALSE! Smoking and vaping can cause dry mouth which can cause bad breath. Smoking also contributes to tooth decay and gum disease.


True or false: Handwashing can reduce risk of foodborne and respiratory illnesses.

TRUE! Washing with soap and water can reduce risk of illness and infections.

Trachoma causes more vision loss and blindness than any other infection in the world. This disease is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. Other variants or strains of these bacteria can cause a sexually transmitted infection (chlamydia) and disease in lymph nodes.  


You can use an exfoliant to help prevent _______ hairs and razor bumps.


Ingrown hairs are caused by hair removal which can clog a hair follicle with dead skin cells and make hair grow inward into the skin. Applying moisturizer after exfoliating helps with preventing ingrown hairs.


What are some risks of putting off laundry?

Stains set it, smells get absorbed and can’t wash out, run out of clean clothes to wear, can make room smelly, dirty laundry can attract pests, etc.


Explain or demonstrate step by step how you floss your teeth.

~18 inches of floss with one end wrapped around index and other end wrapped around other index finger, with about 2-3 inches of floss between. Floss between teeth and gumline in up and down motion and back and forth against teeth to scrape off plaque/food particles.

You can also use a water floss.


How frequently should we apply sunscreen?

It depends on activity/weather – re-apply every 2-3 hours when spending hours outdoors, even if sunscreen says it's waterproof. Re-apply after toweling off/drying.


We lose about 100 hairs a day. Name three things and/or places where loose hair should be cleaned from.

Hair brush, bathroom floor, sinks, shower, tub, drains, toilet seat, etc.

Hair clogging the drain can cause nasty odors and expensive plumbing issues.


What are some barriers that keep you from practicing healthy hygiene? Identify a solution to a barrier. 

(i.e. "I don't brush my teeth before going to bed because I'm too tired. I will brush my teeth at an earlier time tonight when I have more energy.")

Limited access to appropriate/preferred tools/products, limited knowledge of healthy hygiene/using products, poor time management, laziness, limited energy, physical pain, depression/low mood, etc.

ROP hygiene products not your thing? You can redeem clinical ram bucks for gift cards (Target $5, Ulta $10) to purchase your preferred hygiene products!


What is the difference between cold sores and canker sores?

Cold sores are a cluster of blisters caused by the contagious herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) that can cause tingling and burning sensations. Cold sores can appear outside the mouth, under the nose, under the chin. 

Canker sores are ulcers that appear inside the mouth and are not contagious, but can also be caused by virus, stress, acidic foods, food allergies, allergy to toothpaste/mouthwash ingredients. Complex canker sores can be caused by immunodeficiency disorders and vitamin deficiency.


Why is it recommended to shower before entering a pool or hot tub?

The average individual swimmer contributes at least 0.14 grams of fecal material to the water, usually within the first 15 minutes of entering. Showering with soap before swimming helps stop the spread of germs by removing fecal material from the body.


True or false: Wearing clothing made of cotton can help reduce body odors.

TRUE! Cotton provides the best airflow compared to polyester and nylon.

Cotton can take longer to dry, but it doesn't trap odors like synthetic fabrics.


Name a risk associated with leaving food and trash in your bedroom.

Bug and pest infestations, smelly room, smelly belongings, etc.

Rotting food and decaying waste produce ammonia which can make it difficult to breathe and can cause respiratory problems.

Ammonia is water-soluble irritant (it can dissolve in water) that can easily be absorbed through the skin and cause burns. Breathing in ammonia molecules can cause damage to the lungs.


How does oral hygiene affect the health of your heart?

When plaque is not removed from the teeth, it enters the bloodstream and can build up in the arteries, which can create a blockage and cause a heart attack.
