Within how many hours must the Mental Health Admission Assessment be documented in Efforts to Outcomes (ETO)?
Within forty-eight (48) hours of admission.
What is the purpose of the ORR Disclosure Notice?
To inform youth of their right to confidentiality and explain the limits to the confidentiality of certain information shared while in ORR custody.
Within how many hours must the initial Assessment for Risk be completed after a child or youth’s arrival?
Within 72 hours.
How many individual counseling sessions must be facilitated per week for each child?
How many group counseling sessions must be facilitated per week for each child?
- At least one individual counseling session per week.
- At least two group counseling sessions per week.
When must the initial individual counseling session be completed in Texas, Arizona, and California?
Immediately after the completion of the UC Assessment and Individual Service Plan, and no later than the seventh day in care.
What must a Clinician do before conducting the Mental Health Admission Assessment (MHAA) to protect the child's rights?
Inform the youth of the limits of confidentiality regarding information shared while in ORR custody and review the ORR Disclosure Notice verbally in the youth's preferred language.
(Found in UM Clinical Services Manual November 2023)
What are the 3 levels of Supervision?
General Supervision, Close Observation, 1:1 High Risk
How often must the Assessment for Risk be reassessed?
Every 30 days after the initial assessment & after any PSA incidents
What rights do individuals have regarding counseling services?
The right to participate in all service decisions, be informed of the benefits, risks, side effects, and alternatives to planned services, and the right to decline counseling services.
How often must the Individual Service Plan be reviewed and updated?
On the 40th day and every 180 days thereafter. Also, any changes of supervision, behaviors, or hospitalizations.
What information is included in the Individual Service Plan (ISP) for Arizona?
The youth’s strengths, needs, and goals, written in English and translated into the youth’s primary language.
The child’s presenting issue, behavioral health services to be provided, goals and objectives, timelines for achieving each goal, and names of individuals responsible for implementing the service plan.
What information is the UAC assessment trying to gather?
Journey and Apprehension, Mental Health/Behavior, as well as the Trafficking and Mandatory TVPRA sections of the UC Assessment
What are at least 3 factors considered during the Assessment for Risk?
- Prior sexual abusive behaviors
- Current charges or offense history
- Prior sexual victimization
Age, level of emotional and cognitive development, physical size and stature
- Any mental, physical, or developmental disability or illness, gender non-conforming appearance or manner
- The child or youth’s own perception of vulnerability
What is the purpose of the Welcome Kit?
To give child a warm welcome to the program and provide coping items he can use.
What orientation must children receive within 48 hours of arriving at the shelter?
Orientation on preventing, detecting, and responding to sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and inappropriate sexual behavior (PSA).
(Found in UM Clinical Services Manual November 2023)
What must all clinical services provided to minors at SWK's UMSCP sites comply with? What 3 entities provide clinicians with policies to follow?
ORR, State Licensing, and SWK policies.
When can a youth's confidential information be shared with others?
If the youth signs a document allowing it, if required by a lawfully-issued subpoena, or if required by a government agency for an investigation.
What should be done if a child or youth identifies as transgender or intersex during the assessment?
Consider the child or youth’s gender self-identification when making housing decisions and ensure the housing assignment is consistent with safety and security considerations.
Where should group counseling sessions be documented and when are they due?
As a Group Counseling Touchpoint in SWK ETO using the Multiple Participant Touchpoint function within forty-eight (48) hours of the session taking place.
What does COA stand for?
What is its purpose?
- Council on Accreditation
- Accreditation process provides a framework to offer best practices, strive for continuous improvement, and offer evidence-based best practices that support children and youth served. It also meets the needs of entity regulators; failure to be accredited by COA will result in breach of ORR cooperative agreement.
How should updates to the ISP be documented?
Continuously reviewed and updated as a live document. All entries in these documents should be date stamped, and no information should be deleted or revised, but rather, changes/corrections to prior entries should be explained within the document.
What government program and government employee have an open invitation to participate and provide input regarding the admission assessment?
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Federal Field Specialist (FFS) has an open invitation to participate in and provide input regarding the admission assessment at any time. When participants can participate, their participation is documented in the assessment.
What Plan must be completed in collaboration with the child before removing a child from one-on-one supervision?
Create an In-Care Safety Plan in collaboration with the child or youth.
When should a family contact be completed? What two places does it need to be entered?
To gather information regarding a client or an event and to assist with the transition or concerns of the family/sponsor.
Possible topics:
Preventing and managing family conflicts, identifying family strengths, discussing parenting styles, attachment and bonding, and safety planning for aftercare needs.
They are documented in ETO by selecting ‘UM- Family Contact Note’ and in the UC Portal Case Review.
What information is provided in ORR Field Guidance 24?
The Case Manager’s role is described in the Guide to Terms and UC Policy Guide Section 2.3.2 Case Managers. For this initiative, the responsibilities of the Case Manager and Unification Specialist in the sponsor vetting process are explained.