Just Dance
My Favorite Things
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Who's Who
Rifles and Sabres and Flags.. OH MY!
This performance art form involves moving your body in a way that goes with the rhythm and style of music that is being played. In winter guard, the Seattle Imperials under the direction of WGI luminary Stanley Knaub, was the first team to take the starting line in ballet slippers instead of boots, fully embracing this artform as an integral part of the color guard world.
What is Dance?
This is Lauren's Favorite color. I think Belle likes it too!
What is Purple?
The flag usually starts down, with one hand placed thumb up on the tab and one hand placed thumb up on the top third of the pole. First we pull, then we hit.
What is a "Pull-Hit?"
This person assisted the South Color guard in the fall of 2013. She was also a former student of Mr. and Mrs. Burns. In the winter of 2014 she marched in Field of View A.
Who is Colleen Mallone?
The WGI adjudication manual defines this peice of equipment as "any material attached to a pike, pole, rod or staff other than an authorized weapon....with a minimum size of eight inches by twelve inches (8” x 12”)." Ours happen to measure 39" x 52"
What is a Flag?
This basic dance move is a simple bending of the knees. It comes in two basic varieties; demi and grande. When performing on of these, you knees must go over your toes, and your pelvis should remain in a neutral position.
What is a Plie?
Mr. Burns ALWAYS has this with him on Saturday morning. even if it is delivered by his beautiful wife. Without this wonderful brown beverage that is often served hot, we would not have had a winter guard season at all!
What is Coffee?
This equipment skill can be performed on a Rifle, Sabre or Flag on either hand, in any 3 dimensional plane. No matter what style or variation is used, the equipment will ascend vertically and it will rotate. In most cases, the performer will have to remember to keep one arm up and one arm down, and then CATCH HARD!
What is a Toss?
This person is one of the principals at South, and the Director of Athletics. Because of his support and his collaboration with Mr. Cassady, we are able to rehearse in our own Gym.
Who is Mr. Raddick?
This peice of color guard equipment is now sometimes made of polyethylene, or can be constructed with aluminum inserted in the middle for added strength. The vast majority of these however are made from Poplar or another hard wood. WGI defines this as "devices constructed so as to conform to the outward appearance of amilitary rifle past or present." and "must be at least twenty-four inches (24”) in length." Ours happen to be 39" long and go by the name of "Ultimate 4"
What is a Rifle?
This "classical" form of dance was eveloped from court productions of the Renaissance, and was renewed under Louis XIV, who in 1661 established France's Académie Royale de Danse, where Pierre Beauchamp developed the five positions. Most of the terminology of this dance form is French. In Color guard we utlize basic elements of this, such as plie, tendu, port de bras. It is also a theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a story, theme, or atmosphere
What is Ballet?
Flag poles can come in many different lengths. Mr. Burns prefers to have his color guard spin flags with poles that are either white, or colored to match the silk, and that are this long. (Measurement)
What is 6' (or 72")?
This rifle skill utilizes both hands and can be performed on either the right or the left side. The rifle spins at twice the velocity of a regular spin, hence the name. Most often students remember the words "strap, strap, bolt, bolt" in order to learn this skill.
What is Double-Time?
This winter guard gave Council Rock South some real competiton after our promotionthroughout the season, and eventually won the Silver Medal. Donned in Green, this team hails from the school district in New Jersey where Mr. Burns taught elementary band from 2008 - 2012. Although he never actually taught this color guard, he did march with one of their instructors Ms. Sharon Maher.
Who is Monroe Township Winter Guard?
This basic flag manipulation in color guard uses the hands on the flag somewhere near the tab. The flag rotates evenly in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion. At the start of the manipulation, both thumbs point upward, at the second part, both thumbs point downward as the flag is basically passed from hand to hand. The name of this manipulation came from an older teaching technique in which the flag was literally 'dropped' from one hand into the other, but you certainly aren't supposed to actually drop the flag.
What is a drop spin?
This dance move commonly used in tap and jazz dancing, is a complex turn that involves casting the arms up and leaping into the air and rotating 360 degrees while airborne. While airborne, the performer's back may be arched and the head may be cast back. It starts and ends with the performer facing forward. It is also the name of an aerobatic stunt in which an aircraft follows a single turn of a spiral while rolling once about its longitudinal axis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKAj0mYtQy4
What is a Barrel Turn (or Roll)?
Ms. Linda may not call this one of her "favorite" things, but this particular type of cell phone can sometimes blow up as soon as we get in the bus on Saturdays.
What is a Flip phone?
This is a toss on a sabre that originates from the blade instead of the hilt, and is usually performed on the right hand instead of the left.
What is a blade toss?
This young performer from Upper Moreland's winter guard was featured as the guy who ran through the hoop while throwing a 7 in 2013. In their 2014 production, he threw many exchanges to his fellow performers. First name will do.
Who is Joe?
Usually made of metal, the sabre is considered by many to be the ultimate piece of equipment in color guard. Basic spins are manipulated at the point where the fingers meet the palm, while tosses are caught in the center of the palm. Tosses can be thrown from the blade, or from this part of the equipment that looks like a handle.
What is the Hilt?
Considered by many to be the 20th century's most important dancer and the mother of modern dance, this famous choreographer is remembered for some of her most famous works including: “Frontier,” “Appalachian Spring,” “Seraphic Dialogue” and “Lamentation.” Her pupils included such greats as Alvin Ailey, Twyla Tharp, Paul Taylor, Merce Cunningham, and countless other performers, actors, and dancers.
Who is Martha Graham?
This fellow visited one of our first winter guard rehearsals back in 2012 and was very popular. He has since visited a number of band camp rehearsals and he hopes to return in 2014. Some have said he bears resemblace to a famous companion to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, but with longer legs.
Who is the best little puppy ever in the whole wide world, and the cutest little boy who gives his daddy kisses in the morning then growls at him when he leaves for work named MONTY?
This rifle trick toss involves throwing a high toss, and performing a type of "roll" into a "Sit" -ing position on the ground while the rifle is in the air. Usually, the performer returns to standing before the catch.
What is a "Sit-Roll" toss?
This color guard instructor taugh sucn famous groups as Blessed Sacrement, Emerald Marquis, 27th Lancers and the Garfield Cadets. She invented a spin performed on the flag that is named after her. The "Peggy Spin" is similar to a double-fast or speed spin, except all check points are vertical and none are horizontal. Only the first count is like a drop spin. After that the hands are either grabbing the flag in "overhand" position or "moneyhand" position. This person's last name is also what you would have if you broke off the ends of many branches and collected them.
Who is Peggy Twiggs.
Rifles can now be made of wood or polyethylene. There is also now a rifle that is fashioned from two peices of wood instead of one. Aluminum braces are fitted to the inside of the rifle, making it extremely resistent to breakage. This Rifle shares the name of a famous Simian Movie Monster that climbed the Empire State Building.
What is King Kong?