Social Thinking
Coping Strategies

I am smiling and my body is calm. I might be feeling this emotion. 

What is happy?


Two people run into the library talking very loud. This behavior is.

What is unexpected?


I am feeling excited. I cannot sit still. I am in this zone. 

What is the yellow zone?


It is time for me to take a quiz. The quiz is making me nervous, but I have to take it. I can use this strategy while sitting in my seat.

What is taking deep breaths? 


Getting 8-10 hours of this is important for my brain and body. 

What is sleep?


My hands are clenched in fists. My body feel warm. I'm yelling. I might be feeling this emotion.

What is angry?


In gym class, the students are running around and laughing while playing a game of soccer. This behavior is 

What is expected?


I am not feeling very well and I didn't get much sleep last night. I am in this zone. 

What is the blue zone?


This coping strategy only takes 10 seconds.

What is counting to 10?


This is another great way to take care of my body. I need these to help me grow up strong and healthy. 

What are healthy foods?


I can't understand my homework assignment. I have been trying to work on it for a very long time. No matter how hard I try, I just don't understand it. I might be feeling this emotion.

What is frustrated? 


My 3 social detective tools

What are my brain, my ears, and my eyes?


I am so upset right now. My brother took my favorite video game without asking and won't give it back. I am in this zone. 

What is the red zone?


This strategy lets me calm down to my favorite artists. 

What is listening to music?


Participating in gym class. Doing a sport. Lifting weights. Running. These are all examples of this type of self-care.

What is exercise?


I am unable to keep my eyes open. I keep yawning. I might feel this emotion. 

What is tired?


My class is working on a quiz. I walk into class and loudly announce that I am back. My teachers and classmates might have this type of thoughts about me.

What are uncomfortable thoughts?


I am in math class. My body and brain are in the group. I am in this zone. 

What is the green zone?


This strategy gets me away from a stressful situation and lets me get some exercise. 

What is walking/walking away?


This self-care is fun. I laugh. I get to talk to people who I enjoy being around. Sometimes we may go out somewhere, and other times we play video games. 

What is spending time with my friends/hanging out with my friends?


My hands are shaking and my teeth are clattering. I am hiding. I might be feeling this emotion. 

What is afraid/scared?


sometimes people say things that mean something different than what we thought. Sometimes people do things that we don't understand. Sometimes,we have to do things different than we are used to. When this happens, I may need to use this type of thinking. 

What is flexible thinking?


I'm in class and it is time for me to read. I am not in the green zone. This is something I can use to help me get to the green zone ("ready to learn"). 

What is a strategy? (acceptable answers can also include a specific strategy)


This is a room that I can go to in school if I am feeling upset.

What is the sensory room? (may also list counseling room)


Self-care is important for this reason. 

What is my health? (or any other acceptable answer)
