Attending Skills
Nondirective Listening Skills
Directive Listening Skills
Action Skills
Evidence Based Relationships

Voice loudness, pitch, rate, rhythm, inflection and fluency

What is paralinguistics?


Restating or rewording the content of what the client has said

What is paraphrase?


When a counselor goes deeper than surface emotions and identifies underlying emotions that were previously hidden to the client.

What is interpretive reflection of feeling / advanced empathy?


The name for this intervention: "You told me that your confidence this week is at a 4 out of 10. What do you think will be different when it's at a 5 out of 10?"

What is scaling question?

Rogers' three facilitative conditions

What are unconditional regard, empathy and genuineness/ congruency?


Physical features and movement of any body part

What is kinesics?


The following paraphrase reflects which theoretical approach? Client: "Sometimes I want to join the group but I just can't, I'm not sure of myself." Counselor: "So you want to join the group, but you think to yourself, 'I can't handle this'" and then you stop.

What is CBT?


When a therapist links together past patterns to current patterns, or provides a new framework to understanding what the client presents.

What is interpretation?


Providing information to clients about their diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and intervention strategies.

What is psychoeducation?


Emotional stimulation, perspective taking, and emotional regulation

What are the three components of empathy?


Personal space and the distance between two people

What is proxemics


The name for the following intervention: "So when you hear him say that you assume you did something wrong. Did I get that right?"

What is clarification?


The name for this intervention: Client: "I am fine with it, I don't care." Counselor: "You are saying you're fine with it. But from the way you are saying it, and how tightly you are gripping your arms across your chest, you don't appear to be fine."

What is confrontation / challenge?


The name for this intervention: "When I used to struggle with anxiety during public speaking I used a grounding object. I wonder if that is something you'd find useful?"

What is self-disclosure

An example might be when a therapist feels afraid of confronting a client and avoids doing so

What is countertransference?


Turning away from the client, leaning back from the waist up, crossing legs away from the client, and folding arms across chest

What are unhelpful nonverbal behaviors?


The name of the following intervention: Client: "I was devastated when she left." Counselor: "Her leaving made you feel broken down."

What is reflection of feeling?

The name for the following intervention: "I notice that when you let me see the parts of you that are struggling, I feel more connected to you."

What is immediacy?


The ACA's stance on whether counselors can impose personal values on clients

What is "Counselors are aware of and avoid imposing their own values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors"


Goal consensus, collaborative engagement in mutual tasks, and development of a relational bond

What is the working alliance/ therapeutic relationship?


Leaning slightly toward client, keeping hands and legs unobtrusive, matching facial expressions to client's

What are helpful attending / nonverbal behaviors?


When a counselor ties together the issues raised or the themes of a session.

What is a summary?


The type of question that pulls for more than a single word response.

What is open question?


Rather than telling someone what to do, provide information or resources needed to make a decision

What is effective ways to offer advice?


The intention behind this intervention: "I've noticed that you seem more quiet than usual. I'm wondering if maybe I was a little premature in suggesting we talk about your mom? I feel like maybe I missed something there and I'm hoping that if I did you can let me know."

What is repairing the relationship rupture
