What is the number 1 cause of suicide?
Untreated depression.
What are some physical signs of stress?
stomach aches
fast heartbeats
increased urination
What is (Change Talk)?
Speech in favor of healthier choices.
What are (tremors)?
Involuntary fine movement(s) of the body and/or limbs
What is Poly-substance Dependence?
The proper diagnosis for a client who has repeatedly taken at least three groups of substances and who meets criteria for dependence for the substances as a group but not for the substances individually.
What are some of the verbal warning signs in which someone has made up his/her mind to commit suicide?
I wont bother you anymore
I wont need this anymore
Life sucks; no one cares if I live or die
Things will be better when I am gone
What are some emotional signs of stress?
anger outbursts
sadness (temporary)
depression (long term)
What are Glaser's- 5 basic needs?
Kind of like what is taught in the PRTC Phase II book with Otto Matic; two of the six words are changed.
Survival, Belonging and Love, Power, Freedom, Fun
What is (Tachycardia)?
Abnormally rapid heartbeat (over 100 beats per minute).
What is Dually-Diagnosed?
This client has one or more other psychiatric disorders along with substance abuse or substance dependence. Also known as co-occurring disorders. All disorders should be treated concurrently/at the same time and aggressively.
What are some behavior warning signs that someone has made up their mind to commit suicide?
deep sadness
loss of interest in things
unexpected calmness
developing eating disorders
dangerous/harmful behavior
hoarding lethal items
feeling lost
anxiety attacks
inability to be happy
change in personality
substance abuse
What are some mental signs of stress?
lack of concentration
drop in school performance
unable to study
The acronyms OARS stand for what?
Open-Ended Questions
Affirmations- look for a client's efforts and comment. Something you can positively reframe for them. Pointing out their strengths
Reflections- guesses about what a student is meaning or feeling. Creates empathy and develops momentum towards change. 3 types of reflections: Simple- just restating, Complex: adds new meaning, Double-Sided- captures both sides of a dilemma
Summaries/Summarize- bring together what has been said. The summary should highlight what the student said positively about change.
Use YOU, include aspirations and strengths along with concerns. Ask if you missed anything.
Cocaine can cause what kind of medical problems?
Blocked arteries
What is synergistic drug interaction?
It is mixing some drugs which causes a reaction that increases the drugs effect beyond those that associated with each drug separately.
What are some things you don't do to a person who is contemplating suicide?
leave the person alone
swear to secrecy
act shocked or judgmental
counsel the person yourself
What is chronic stress?
It is when stress builds up, long-term problem, can be felt for days, weeks, longer.
What is the meaning of the saying, (Roll With Resistance)?
Recognizing that it is normal to feel ambivalent about behavior change. Occurs often when clients feels pushed to do something he or she is not yet ready to do.
Heroin can cause what type of medical problems?
Collapsed veins, vomiting, severe headaches
What does (screening) determine for a client who is looking to be admitted to a treatment program/hospital?
Eligibility and appropriateness.
Do people who are contemplating suicide really wanting to die? Why or Why not?
No, they just want to end their pain.
What is eustress?
A positive stress that challenges us to grow, adapt, and find creative solutions in life.
What are the 4 phases of Motivational Interviewing?
ENGAGE the patient/family
FOCUS on a part of the problem
EVOKE reasons for change
PLAN 1-2 small changes together
Ecstasy can cause what kind of medical problems?
Mental illness, kidney problems, death
List (3) basic chemical classes of amphetamines.
(1) Methamphetamine
(2) Amphetamine
(3) Destroamphetamine