What's the counselor's name?
Mr. Brown aka Mr. T.
Who is our Principal?
Mr. Sharp
True or False:
Mrs. Roweton will tell everyone what you talked about.
How can you earn bison tokens?
Being a student leader.
How can you get in contact with me?
Through your teachers and parents.
Where did Mrs, Roweton go to college?
Missouri State Univeristy
What is our mascot?
A Buffalo
When does Mrs. Roweton have to break confidentiality?
-When someone is hurting you
-When someone is hurting someone else
-When you are hurting or are going to hurt someone else
What does empathy mean?
Understanding or sharing the feelings of someone else
- putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes
How many school counselors currently work at Mallory?
In the Cafeteria
If Mrs. Roweton is not available who else can you talk to?
Mr. Sharp or Mrs. Collins
What is confidentiality?
What you say to Mrs. Roweton will stay between you both unless someone is getting hurt.
What is a thought bubble?
The thoughts we have that others don’t see or hear.
What is the role of a counselor?
To make sure every student learns in a safe carefree environment.
What steps do you take to get to talk to the counselor?
Ask your teacher.