Are alcohol or drugs allowed at camp??
What is Cabin Time?
Opportunity for Co-counselors to plan a fun personal activity for just their cabin. You may choose from the pre-planned activities or make your own!
should you or your kids ever run while moving around camp??
no.. just don't do it.. someone will yell at you.. and someone will fall.. and you'll end up with a crying camper just don't do it
Whats the Wifi password
HA! trick question!! you shouldn't be on your phones!!!
What are the 3 questions you should ask yourself at any given time during camp?
Are all of the campers safe?
Are all of the campers having fun?
Are you being a good role model?
Where should your phone be at all times (except during your hours off and after kids are asleep?)
In the infirmary for safe keeping.
What is campers choice?
One hour per day campers get to choose what activity they want to go to. Certain days go to certain units being able to go to the pool during campers choice.
Should you ever enter the pool area without a lifeguard being present
absolutely not please don't be that counselor!!
What is Mikey's claim to fame?
Was on TV during the Word Cup. Twice.
What is the minimum number of people you must have with a single camper at all times?
2 (ideally it's minimum 2 campers with one counselor at all times)
What does curfew mean?
in your bed with the lights out (and your shoes off)
How many night programs are there? And on the last night of camp what is the "program"
3 night programs, units rotate doing each one the first 3 nights. Last night all units participate in the carnival!!
What should you do if there's a fire?? ahhh!!
Line up at the lodge like you do before meals and count your kids. If the fire is in the lodge you do the same thing at the Barn.
Where is the teriyaki tree
No one knows...and just don't ever let your kids find it
Is every counselor required to go in the pool when their cabin is at pool time?
Yes. Yes they are.
What is OD and how many counselors from your cabin must be on OD per night?
After unit meetings ONE counselor from each cabin must grab a snack and immediately report back to their cabin to be in charge of the sleeping campers. The counselors should rotate who will be OD each night.
What is Keppies?
free shopping for the campers to collect everything they will need for camp. (clothes, towels, sweatshirts, sleeping bags, etc.)
In the event of lightning, what is the procedure?
All outdoor activities must stop and campers need to be brought inside
What year was Camp Swift established
If you and your co-counselors have a problem in your cabin who should you tell first?
Your Unit Head!!
If you even slightly think your kid might need to go to the infirmary... should you still take them?
yee yee
Name 7 camp activities
Where do you go in the event of an evacuation
Everyone reports to the lodge as you do before meals. Count your campers.
Who are the unit heads and what are their units?
Youngest - Sari
Middle - Eric
Oldest - Marc
How many minutes (at least) should you talk to your campers one on one per day?
3 minutes... but seriously step it up....