what is the area of russia.
17.1 million km².
what is the population of usa in 2018.
who is the president of china 2018.
Xi Jinping.
what is the capital city of canada.
what is the gdp of mexico in 2016.
1.046 trillion USD.
what is the area of United Arab Emirates.
83,600 km².
what is the population of india in 2018.
who is the president of iraq 2018.
Fuad Masum.
what is the capital city of new zealand.
what is the gdp of turkey in 2016.
857.7 billion USD.
What is the area of vatican city.
0.44 km².
what is the population of north sudan in 2018.
who is the king of saudi arabia 2018.
Salman of Saudi Arabia.
what is the capital city of new kuwait.
Kuwait City.
what is the gdp of bulgaria in 2016.
52.4 billion USD.
what is the area of chile.
756,102 km.
what is the population of italy in 2018.
who is the president north korea 2018.
kim jong un.
what is the capital city of germany.
what is the gdp of switzerland in 2016.
659.8 billion USD.
what is the area japan.
377,962 km².
what is the population of yemen in 2018.
who is the president france in 2018.
Emmanuel Macron.
what is the capital city of poland.
what is the gdp of democratic republic of congo in 2016.
35 billion USD