Euro tunnel connects these 2 countries in Europe
What is France and England
in Asia this country has the longest known insect
What is China
in Asia this is the 2nd hottest country in the world
What is Saudi Arabia
in Asia this country has the oldest building, the Dholavira, dating back to 2650 BC
What is India
in Europe, the St. Peter's Basilica is here
What is Italy
the country in mainland Central America with the world's rated 3rd best zipline
What is Costa Rica
in the Western Hemisphere the country that has the fewest animals because of the climate
What is Canada
this Western Asian or Eastern European country has 5,000 miles of coast and borders 4 seas
What is Turkey
in the Western Hemisphere this country is home to the most 'major' inventions
What is USA!
in Asia the St. Basil's Cathedral known for its golden dome is here
What is Russia
in Central America this country is a very highly rated vacation spot for scuba diving and the famous Blue Hole
What is Belize
in the Eastern Hemisphere, this country has the most deadly jellyfish and Bull shark in the waters around it
What is Australia
country in Europe with the most recognizable and highly visited castle
What is Germany- the Neuschwanstein
in Europe the Acropolis and Parthenon are here
What is Greece
this South American country has the largest variety of birds
What is Columbia
in Asia this country has the 1st and 2nd wettest cities in the world, with over 460" per year
What is India- (highest in the US is New Orleans and Miami with just over 60")
the Hundred Years War was between these 2 countries in Europe
What is France and England
in the Middle East the Wailing Wall is here
What is Israel
this country has 2 of the largest beaches in Central America
What is Nicaragua
this Central American country is ranked 3rd in having the most endangered species
What is Mexico
this European country covering the most time zones, this includes all their territories
What is France
From Asia the most ruthless dictator during the 20th Century ruled over 25 years here and killed an estimated 60-80 Million people
What is China (Mao Zedong- 1949-1976)