What famous chip brand is popular in Norway
What food did we have for Denmark
Licorice or Biscuits
Food we had for Germany
What food did we have for India?
Anything to do with potatoes
Draw the German flag
Smallest Country on Earth. (It’s not Sealand)
Vatican City
The Non-Newtonian Liquid you consumed for Brazil
What drink did we have for London?
Bitter tea
What sport are supposed to play yesterday
Draw The flag of Denmark
The Sport you played for Norway
What game did you play for Brazil
Gato Mia
Where did we go for Germany
The E.M.M.
Where did we go for India
Valley Jump
Draw the flag of Pakistan
How many countries does earth have
186-194: 200 points
196-204:200 points
195:400 points
What Town was the Zoo in?
Popular, yet long, game in London
What field trip is this week
Draw the Indian flag
What Symbol is on the 1000 Kernar bill
A wave
Leg godt is the Danish phrase that is often shortened to......
Where did we go for London
What colors are on India’s flag
Orange, Green, White, and blue
(Get at least two correct)
Draw the flag of Brazil