Was stuff more or less expensive in the 1800s
Less expensive
True or false: were there social media during the 1800s in both country life and city life. true or false?
what jobs are they in 1800s
butcher, painter, clerks, farmer, hunter, planter ext.
list two transportation they used in the 1800s
Steamboats and horses
Name three country jobs and three city jobs
Country jobs: Teacher, planting, fishing.
City jobs: Factory, agriculture, theparist.
is country life and city life the same? yes or no (1800s)
yes because they were both poor
how hard or easy lifestyle was back in the 1800s
it was hard because they need to do more hard labour and more hand to mouth things such as moving boxes or fixing things or having to blow into things and more.
What was the main ways they would deliver/trade stuff to you
Steamboats, Trains and sometimes horses
whats awalehs favourite color