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Say what?

Alisa needs to use Family Medical Leave.  How many hours of services does Alisa need to complete in 12 months of service to be eligible for FML?

1250 hours, Article 7, Section 3B


What County Holiday is observed in the month of March?

Article 6, Section 1

Cesar Chavez Day


Which Government Code is cited in the contract which prohibits the County from discouraging employees from joining the Union?

3550- Article 2, Section 10.E.2


What is the Union’s mail stop number with the County?

(O850- Article 2, Section 6)  


How many classifications are eligible to receive the Appraiser Premium?


 Eligible Classes: Appraiser IV (AE), Appraiser III (AE), Appraiser II (AE), Appraiser I (AE), Supervising Appraiser I (MM), Supervising Appraiser II (MM), Audit Appraiser III (AE), Audit Appraiser II (AE), Audit Appraiser I (AE), Supervising Audit Appraiser (MM), Audit Appraiser IV (AE)     


Cierra was at home relaxing after her shift. Her supervisor called her and told her that there is an emergency, and they need her to report back to the worksite. She does so and spent one hour at the worksite. How many hours of Call-Back pay does Cierra receive?

Three Hours! Article 5 Section 3.A


 221 is looking for some lost timers to come out on unpaid union leave for a few months! Per the contract, how many people could we have on leave from the joint contract?

7- One employee per bargaining unit! (Article 2, Section 9)


Gio is a new employee with the County. He has been there for two months, and he has recognized that his workplace could use some improvements! Gio wants to be a union steward immediately to help make the department better, but management tells him he can’t be an official union steward until his probationary period is passed. Gio thinks that can’t be true, and goes to check his contract. Who is correct in this situation?

Management-Article 2, Section 4 A2


What is the maximum amount of holiday time that an employee can accrue?

24 hours-Article 6 Section 1A


Tuan is going out on an extended medical leave, certified by a medical doctor. How long can Tuan be on leave without pay from the County, while maintaining a right to return to his position?

One year- Article 7, Section 1A.


What are Weingarten Rights? 

The right to representation in an investigatory meeting that an employee reasonably believes could result in discipline. 


What is the maximum number of weeks that an employee can be given a temporary assignment to a higher classification?

26 weeks- Article 5, Section 8


When is discipline removed from an employee’s personnel file?



What do you call a flock of flamingos?



The contract prohibits sexual, racial, and gender-bias, which section is that guaranteed?

Article 3, Section 4


What percentage of the US workforce is unionized?



Which employees does the Protective Policy apply to in the Joint Contract?

HHSA employees, Investigators of the Public Defender & Alternate Public Defender, Article 10, Section 18


Close your eyes and imagine that bargaining has started! We’re in the month of March and spring has sprung. Bargaining is moving along, but we haven’t reached a deal yet. A bunch of your coworkers have grown impatient over the process and begin to organize a “sick out,” aka: organizing everyone to call out sick on the same day so no one shows up to work. Which provision of the contract would this action violate?

Article 16- Prohibition of Job Action


There are 10 employees at Treasurer Tax Collector who were denied bilingual pay. They were all assigned a bilingual caseload by management but are being denied bilingual pay. The workers want to file a grievance as a group, but they aren’t allowed to. Why can’t the employees file a group grievance?

All from the same department-Article 11N


Dan is a Park Ranger. He has been with the county for about 60% of the year. How much money should Dan receive in his uniform allowance?

(2/3 of $1000, $666.67, Article 8D Uniform Allowance)


The County can deem a position "variable entry" (meaning employees aren't hired at Step 1), what contract provision gives them that right? 

Article 4, Section 2


Why can't we grieve a suspension, demotion or termination? 

They are covered by Civil Service Rules - Article 11 A


County employees don’t get a paycheck! County workers get a what? Hint, you get this as a direct deposit.

 Payroll Warrant

Article 4, Section 1D


 Jennifer’s approved vacation was rescinded by management. She has already purchased the plane tickets for her trip. How much money is she owed by the County to reimburse her for her lost funds?



In 24 hour facilities, how much rest must be provided to an employee between the end of one shift and the beginning of a new shift?

8 Hours -Article 5, Section 1C
