“Where There’s a Will There’s a Way”
“Teachers and Too Much Homework Contribute to Math Anxiety”
TNReady Grammar
Vocab in Context

Which statement reflects a theme of the poem?

A. Delayed action results in missed opportunities.

B. The actions of ancient empires influence change.

C. Nothing is achieved by pure desire or without struggle.

D. Accomplishment and success deserve to be rewarded.

C. Nothing is achieved by pure desire or without struggle.


What is the central idea of the text?

A. Research on math anxiety has greatly transformed the way math is taught to support students better.

B. Math anxiety research explains why certain countries are lagging behind others in engineering and technological fields.

C. Research on math anxiety shows that external circumstances influence students’ perceptions of their own math abilities.

D. Math anxiety research demonstrates that students who struggle with math also fail to perform well in other academic subjects.

C. Research on math anxiety shows that external circumstances influence students’ perceptions of their own math abilities.


Which change, if any, is needed to revise the underlined text?

sound pleasing and multiple functions are served

A sound pleasing and multiple functions to serve

B. sound pleasing and serve multiple functions

C. sound pleasing and serving multiple functions

D. No change

B. sound pleasing and serve multiple functions


If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all! 

Which word is a synonym of "curtail"? 

a. reduce 

b. analyze  

c. behind 

d. buy 

a. reduce 


Which quotation supports the the theme of the passage?

A. “It was a noble Roman,
In Rome’s imperial day,” (lines 1-2)

B. “‘On—on!’ exclaimed the hero,
‘I’ll find a way, or make it!’’” (lines 7-8)

C. “In vain he seeks her temple,
Content to gaze and sigh:” (lines 11-12)

D. “In Love’s impassioned warfare
The tale has ever been,” (lines 33-34)

B. “‘On—on!’ exclaimed the hero,
‘I’ll find a way, or make it!’’” (lines 7-8)


Which quotation from the text supports the central idea? 

A. “‘It shows for the first time that math anxiety is not just an individual phenomenon which affects math attainment, but it also strongly correlates with other contextual factors like…the amount of homework and parental involvement in completing it.’” (paragraph 9)

B. “‘It is also significant that math anxiety varies across different countries. England’s results suggest that our secondary students are among the most seriously affected by math anxiety…’” (paragraph 10)

C. “Females tend to express more anxiety about math than males, although studies have suggested this gender gap does not develop until adolescence.” (paragraph 14)

D. “Math anxiety does not necessarily correlate with ability: a 2018 study found that 77% of children with high math anxiety were normal to high achievers on curriculum math tests.” (paragraph 16)

A. “‘It shows for the first time that math anxiety is not just an individual phenomenon which affects math attainment, but it also strongly correlates with other contextual factors like…the amount of homework and parental involvement in completing it.’” (paragraph 9)


Which change, if any, is needed to revise the underlined text?

purposes: attracting

A. purposes, attracting

B. purposes. Attracting

C. purposes; Attracting

D. No change

D. No change


Fortunately, the dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue playing within seconds and had no trouble winning the match. 

When you describe an event as “transient,” you are saying that __________. 

a. it was manageable 

b. it is quite harmful 

c. it helps you win 

d. it doesn't last long

d. it doesn't last long


What do the subjects of the stanzas, Fame, Learning, Riches, and Love, have in common?

A. They identify the criteria that are falsely used to define success.

B. They provide examples of relatable hardships.

C. They relay the order of events in life’s journey.

D. They represent lofty desires that are worthy of commitment.

D. They represent lofty desires that are worthy of commitment.


Which quotation from the text provides evidence to support the author’s claim that math anxiety impacts math achievement?

A. "If the thought of fractions or differential equations makes you break out in a cold sweat, you are not alone." 

B."Many people experience some degree of discomfort when confronted with a mathematical problem, ranging from mild tension to intense dread. "

C. "The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that students in countries with higher levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades." 

D. "The strongest predictor of math anxiety was how competent students perceived their math teacher to be: those with less confidence in their teacher tended to feel more anxious." 

C. "The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that students in countries with higher levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades." 


Which change, if any, is needed to revise the underlined text?

mates however

A. mates; however,

B. mates, however;

C. mates, however,

D. No change

A. mates; however,


When they heard the good news about the court’s decision, the angry crowd cheered and then began to disperse. “It looks like everyone is going home,” one reporter stated. 

Which would be the antonym of “disperse”?

a. come together 

b. spread out 

c. protest

d. leave 

a. come together 


Based on the first stanza, which statement about the coward can be inferred?

A. The coward is overcome by the power of opposing forces and surrenders.

B. The coward attempts to overtake the castle despite his apprehension.

C. The coward admits defeat before making an attempt at conquest.

D. The coward continues cautiously into battle behind the leading hero.

C. The coward admits defeat before making an attempt at conquest.


Read the sentence from paragraph 4.

Besides avoiding everyday situations involving numbers, people with such feelings may hold back from applying for promotions or pursuing careers in related subjects such as science, technology, or engineering.

How does the sentence refine the author’s ideas about math anxiety?

A. The sentence provides rationale for teaching math in different ways that benefit people in scientific and technological fields.

B. The sentence demonstrates one way the research can increase opportunities for adults with math anxiety.

C. The sentence emphasizes the need to reduce math anxiety because it can have long-term effects on opportunities.

D. The sentence highlights the correlation between math instruction and how math is used in different professional fields.

C. The sentence emphasizes the need to reduce math anxiety because it can have long-term effects on opportunities.


Which change, if any, is needed to revise the underlined text?

help control insects

A. to help control insects

B. insect control

C. will help control insects

D. No change

B. insect control


 It’s a wonder to me how anyone can still be undecided about this election. These two candidates are certainly distinct. Each would lead our nation in opposite directions. 

What does “distinct” mean? 

a. somewhat similar  

b. dishonest 

c. clearly different 

d. about the same age 

c. clearly different 


How does the poet develop Love in the final stanza?

A. by emphasizing that Love is not easy but a battle to be won

B. by expressing that Love reflects a deep emotional connection between two people

C. by illustrating that Love grows from spending time together

D. by suggesting that Love creates conflicts between the head and the heart

A. by emphasizing that Love is not easy but a battle to be won


How does paragraph 14 develop the ideas presented in paragraph 10?

A. It provides details that deepen the reader’s understanding of math anxiety in older students.

B. It presents examples of how high school students are responding to new math strategies.It presents examples of how high school students are responding to new math strategies.

C. It compares the differences between different generations’ approaches to math instruction.

D. It summarizes approaches that address gender differences in math comprehension.

A. It provides details that deepen the reader’s understanding of math anxiety in older students.


Which change, if any, is needed to revise the underlined text?


A. conservation

B. conserve

C. conserved

D. No change

A. conservation


The news story was based on a letter that was a fabrication. Now the reporter who wrote the story is in big trouble. Will anyone believe him again? 

A fabrication is __________. 

a. unprofessional 

b. full of long words 

c. too depressing  

d. fake

d. fake
