In 1970, this socialist leader was elected president of Chile with a program of economic and social reforms.
Salvador Allende
During the coup, the Chilean Air Force bombed this presidential building, marking a turning point in the conflict. What’s the name of this building?
La Moneda Palace
The coup led to severe human rights violations, including… (4)
Detentions, torture, executions and Forced disapperances
During the Cold War, this country intervened in Chile to destabilize the Allende government.
This military leader took control after the coup and established a dictatorship that lasted for 17 years.
Augusto Pinochet
Following the coup, Chile embraced this economic model influenced by a group of economists known as the “Chicago Boys.”
The political coalition led by Allende was known by this name.
Unidad Popular
On the morning of September 11, 1973, the Armed Forces and police of Chile initiated this dramatic event. What is a coup d’état?
a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government; a coup.
While this economic model spurred growth in some sectors, it also contributed to a rise in this social issue.