This aspect of online education has been growing steadily over the last decade.
What is enrollment?
This type of course meets face-to-face throughout the term but offers some activities and content online ( opposed to a course with NO online material).
What is web-enanced?
The CSU-developed rubric that we can use to help us design, develop and implement technology-supported courses based on best practices.
What is QOLT (Quality Online Learning and Teaching)?
Moodle is an example of this type of technology, used to organize and deliver content for online or web-enhanced courses.
What is a learning management system (LMS)?
This technology is used to record faculty lectures (video, audio and presentation content) in-class or out-of-class.
What is Lecture Capture (echo 360)?
As of Fall 2011, 32% of all college students in the U.S. had taken at least one of these.
What is an online course?
Online activities done in a virtual setting in real-time are called this.
What are "synchronous" activities?
These goals, used to plan a course, should be specific, well-defined and measurable, and activities should be designed to achieve them.
What are SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes/Objectives)?
The Moodle tool that can organize learning modules into chapters and pages. (Hint: It is used throughout the Course Design Essentials Moodle site.)
What is "Book"?
A software program licensed to CSUN that creates interactive web–based course materials that can include games, quizzes, pop–up glossaries, audio, and video.
What is SoftChalk?
In a 2012 survey, over 3/4 of academic leaders found online learning outcomes to be this, when compared to traditional, face-to-face classes.
What is "the same or better?"
To do this, an instructor will deliver all lectures in a digital format online and use face-to-face classroom time for discussion or other activities.
What is flipping the classroom?
In an online environment, this must be "built" by faculty and students, and if done well, leads to higher retention rates, higher likelihood of passing classes, and higher grades.
What is class community?
The Moodle tool that allows participants to discuss topics.
What is "Forum"?
This tool can be used to automatically check student submissions for plagiarism and has advanced grading features.
What is TurnItIn?
A 2011 Dept of Education study found this type of instruction to be more beneficial for learners than purely face-to-face classes.
What is hybrid instruction?
This type of CSUN course does not meet on campus; all content and activities are delivered online.
What is fully online?
Making sure course materials are accessible and usable by everyone is a component of this principle.
What is universal design?
This professional, web-based training center -- provided free to faculty, staff and students -- has self-paced video tutorials for learning Moodle.
Content created in Softchalk is uploaded to Moodle using this tool.
What is SCORM?
This requires more time and work upfront but the payoff is reusability.
What is teaching with technology?
This type of CSUN course meets *mostly* online with a few face-to-face meetings.
What is campus online?
When deciding on the best format for a course (online, hybrid, or traditional), an instructor should consider these three things.
What are the learner, the instructor, and the content?
Before emailing with a Moodle question, a good place faculty can find answers to FAQs is this.
What is Faculty Moodle Help?
As opposed to in-class lecture capture which is currently available in select classrooms on campus, out-of-class lecture capture uses a faculty member's computer and webcam and can be done here.