What materials do you need for this class? Name at least 5.
On the board in the classroom AND on the Google Classroom page.
Where can you find the HW assignments for the week?
Contribute equally to the task
Give my best effort
Do not disrupt the work or classroom environment
How can I make sure that I am a helpful partner or group mate?
Before school, morning break, recess, after school (M & T only)
When can you come see Ms. Ebron if you need extra help or have a question?
Cell phones must be kept in backpacks unless I allow them for instructional purposes only; students will know when they can use their cell phones during class; no excuses; consequences will apply.
What is the cellphone/tablet policy at GWA?
You will resit for the exam and can only earn 50% of the earned score.
What happens if you are caught cheating on an exam?
1-Eyes on the teacher
2-Mouth is closed
3-Sit up straight
4-Hands are free
5-Listen for instructions
What does "Give me 5" mean?
Student will receive a warning, detention, phone call home/parent notification, and/or conference with the vice principal.
What will happen if the classroom agreements are disregarded?