Super Hard
Don't Bother

The goals of the AP Environmental Science course are to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world; to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and man-made; to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems; and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.  Environmental Science is interdisciplinary, embracing a wide variety of topics that include Ecology, Geology History, Sociology, Economics and Chemistry.  Field experiences may include a trip to northern Wisconsin and/or one-day trips to local prairies, streams and forests.

SCI2014A AP Environmental Science


This semester course will explore 3D printing and digital modeling of characters, jewelry, product design, architecture, vehicle concepts, and sculptural objects. Students will experience the art and design process by generating original designs, modeling the designs in 3D software, and printing them with state of the art 3D printers. 

ART1022 3D Printing and Design


This year-long college level course focuses on the impact human populations have on the planet. Units of study include the cultural patterns of religion, ethnicity, and gender; the population patterns of migration, growth, and settlement; and the historical global patterns of economic development, agriculture, and urbanization. Students will develop the ability to think geographically and apply the skills and tools of a geographer to analyze the world. Field studies to local areas are used as learning opportunities.

SOCS1007A AP Human Geography


This course is designed to deal with the various aspects of warfare throughout human history. Topics include the nature of war, concepts of tactics and strategy, technology and methods of warfare, great military leaders, crucial battles and their effect on history, and present and future trends in warfare.

SOCS2010 Military History


This semester course is designed for individual discovery, and will help students establish ideas and themes. Students will continue to develop techniques in their educational strand of sculpture, ceramics/or mixed media, while working on a portfolio that will showcase their vision and expression.

ART2012 Advanced Sculpture/Ceramics


This course examines the field of marketing and its essential role in all aspects of business. Topics covered include the role of marketing in today’s society, marketing careers, product planning and development, pricing strategies, distribution methods, sales techniques, promotion, visual merchandising, and marketing math skills. Marketing principles learned will be applied through industry-specific units on sports, entertainment, travel/tourism, and fashion marketing.  

BUS3002 Marketing


This college preparatory course will challenge students to sharpen their awareness of how the natural world functions and empowers students to function positively in the real world as a living human. This course forces the student to recognize their interdependence with many aspects of the Earth’s systems.

SCI2011 Environmental Earth Science


 The purpose of this full-year elective is to give students an opportunity to explore in-depth themes of modern European history from the High Renaissance to the recent past. Students who are particularly interested in a more in-depth approach, developing an understanding of the importance of analyzing historical documents, and expressing this understanding in writing would benefit from this course. 

SOCS3015A AP European History


In this course, students use 3D solid modeling design software to design solutions to proposed problems. Students will learn to document their work and communicate solutions to peers and members of the professional community. The major focus of the IED course is to expose students to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards and technical documentation.

PLTW2000 Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)


Entry-level expectations for this soprano and alto voice choir include the ability to read musical notation and sight-sing accurately. Literature is selected with the more proficient singer in focus.

MUSC2003 Treble Choir


This course introduces students to the evolving world of cybersecurity. The course explores cyber trends, threats—along with the broader topic of cybersecurity in a way that will matter to individuals and society. For instance, you’ll learn how to protect your personal privacy online while gaining additional insight into the challenges companies, and governmental and educational institutions face today.

BUS1040BL Cybersecurity (Blended)


The goal of American Society is to examine and analyze what it means to be an American.  Taught in an interdisciplinary format, this two-period block course will take a humanities approach, connecting history and literature to art, architecture, entertainment, propaganda, and fashion.  American society  emphasizes the skills that will prepare students for life beyond high school, including written and oral communication, critical thinking, problem solving, technological competency and making connections between disciplines.

ENGL2022B American Society


Whether for personal use or a career in clothing and fashion, this course provides an opportunity to develop skills for clothing construction. Techniques used to construct four projects including: a skirt/pants, dress/top, shirt, and a knit garment are covered. Students are encouraged to select patterns and materials according to their needs and abilities.

FACS1000D Apparel Construction 1


Emphasis is placed on fundamentals of vocal technique as it applies to the changing voice, as well as music literacy. Through the study of a varied selection of music literature, students enhance their understanding of music notation and other elements of music.

MUSC1005 Bass Chorus


This course introduces the college-bound student to basic chemistry principles through lecture, laboratory, and group work. The laboratory experience emphasizes the discovery of key concepts through the analysis of student-generated data.

SCI2018BL Chemistry (Blended)


This college preparatory course investigates the uniqueness of Earth and illustrates how Earth is part of a bigger universal system. Students will compare how the objects of our universe form and compare them in order to better understand the origins of Earth and how it changes through time. ESS will explore the origins of the universe, how we observe the universe, the structure of our solar system and the geological history of Earth.

SCI2021 Earth and Space Science


This course includes the study of American literature from colonial through contemporary periods using thematic strands. Students will read journals, biographies, essays, novels, short stories, plays, and poetry representing American authors and authors of various ethnic backgrounds. The literature will promote students’ analytical abilities and will encourage critical thinking through the writing of expository, argumentative, and narrative essays. In addition, the literature will serve as models and material for speaking in persuasive, informative, and entertainment forums.

ENGL200H English 2 Honors - American Literature and Composition


Covering from 8000 BC to the present, this full-year college level history course requires students to master factual knowledge as well as develop analytical skills necessary to be an historian. Specific themes are used as a framework to analyze regions around the globe including Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Throughout the year, students will use documents and primary sources, make comparisons across cultures, and develop the vital habits of mind required to be successful in Advanced Placement courses. This course imposes a heavy reading and writing workload, and the demands on students are equivalent to a full-year introductory college course.

SOCS1006A AP World History


This course introduces the college-bound student to basic chemistry principles through lecture, laboratory, and group work. The laboratory experience emphasizes the discovery of key concepts through the analysis of student-generated data.

SCI2018 Chemistry


An auditioned ensemble for students with highly developed skills. Students will be expected to advance their talents through completion of weekly technique classes.

MUSC2006 Symphonic Strings


This laboratory science course focuses on the plant kingdom, with topics ranging from sub-cellular processes to ecological roles. Content includes: Plant Anatomy and Physiology, Plant Identification, Ethnobotany (Plant Uses), Greenhouse Crop Production & Growing Skills, Plant Propagation, Landscape Design & Management, Aquaponic & Hydroponic Growing, and Sustainability.

SCI2022 Botany


Students begin their journey with the Big Bang and explore the universe through the eyes of Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, and other great minds. On the journey into present day, students study the extinction of dinosaurs, the solar system, galaxies, stars, black holes, and the laws governing the universe. Many laboratory experiences and group projects, along with trips to the planetarium, are used to reinforce astronomical concepts. Each student will also construct a refracting telescope. A field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry to explore the Henry Crown Space Center and Omnimax Theatre is included.

SCI2002 Cosmic Journey


This course is designed for the student to explore and understand the various facets of today’s fashion industry. Areas included are fashion design, fashion buying, merchandising, and the retail function. Career exploration in related fields of study will be explored.

FACS2001 Fashion Merchandising & Marketing


This course provides students with a solid foundation of physical science and the laboratory techniques used to test and support such knowledge.

SCI2017 Chemistry/Physics


This is an auditioned ensemble for students with highly developed skills. Members are expected to develop their talents through completion of weekly technique classes.

MUSC2007 Symphonic Winds
