what does the law provide?
several types of restraining
orders to protect victims from domestic violence
What type of crime is violating the restraining order?
What is emergency protective Orders.
Is an order issued by a judicial officer upon request by a peace officer under
Why is a restraining order issued?
to protect the
victim from the batterer
what is 273.6(a)
Knowing and willful violation of an order, and harassment statue with no prior convictions is a misdemeanor
what dont they fully provide?
a barrier of protection for victims
what is 273.6(d)
Willful violation of orders with prior restraining order conviction involving violence or credible threat is a felony
What does the restraining order stop?
the batterer from having contact,beating, threatening,or harassing the victim and those living with them
if the protected party invites you over having a restraining order on you, have you violated the order?
whats the penal code for violating a restraining order?
What must police officers have to make a warrantless arrest for domestic violence?
probable cause