Fourth Amendment
Warrant Exceptions
Introduction to the Law
Criminal Law Basics
The Criminal Trial Process

A police officer must have this when initiating a Terry stop.

What is reasonable suspicion?


When a person consents to a search, a police officer no longer needs this.

What is probable cause?


The Amendment responsible for delegating powers to the state.

What is the Tenth?


The defendant's state of mind when he/she committed a crime.

What is mens rea?


The Supreme Court grants this when they wish to hear a case.

What is a writ of certiorari?


Excessive use of force is a violation of this.

What is the Fourth Amendment?

Contraband is in this if anybody can see the contraband without having to move or open anything.

What is plain view?


One whose actions display appropriate regard for both their interests and the interests of others

Who is a reasonable man?

The law must notify what conduct will be punished under this.

What is the principal of legality?


This is when the defendant admits to all elements of the offense, agrees to waive most constitutional rights that protect him/her, and agrees to submit to the government's authority to sentence him for a crime.

What is a guilty plea?


This exists if, under the totality of the circumstances, as viewed by a reasonable and prudent police officer in light of his training and experience, would lead that police officer to believe that a criminal offense has been or is being committed.

What is probable cause?


These occur when a substantial risk of harm to the persons involved or the law enforcement process would arise if the police delay a search or arrest until a warrant could be obtained.

What are exigent circumstances?


When a court looks at all factors to determine the reasonableness of a criminal justice's actors conclusion about the legality of the conduct in a given situation, they are considering this.

What is the totality of the circumstances?


The legal obligation to provide services to somebody else

What is duty by relationship?


Prosecutors typically want this type of jury.

What is homogeneous?


The Fourth Amendment provides that the right of the people to be secure in papers, houses, effects, and this.

What is persons?


This protects against general, exploratory searches and can invalidate warrants.

What is the particularity requirement?


When people value how they are treated throughout the justice process more highly than the actual outcome of their case.

What is procedural justice?


An agreement to commit crime

What is conspiracy?


This is the legal process by which parties share with the opposing side the evidence it intends to introduce at trial.

What is discovery?


Under this doctrine a reasonable expectation of privacy does not exist because a person has voluntarily shared information to a nonconfidential entity.

What is third-party?


These are noninvasive and nonintrusive on a citizen's privacy interests, and therefore not searches under the Fourth Amendment. They can, however, provide the basis for probable cause to acquire the authority to search, but not for a home.

What are dog sniffs?


This allows state governments to enact laws for the general health, safety, and welfare of its citizens.

What is police power?


A legal fiction that arises from inferences to facts that lead a jury to assume a logical conclusion

Constructive possession


This is when an appellate court sends the case back to the trial court with the admonishment to take the appellate court's decision into account in retrying the case.

What is remand?
