All Fun & Games
Sick Jams
F is for Friends
Whole Foods
That’s Good TV (also Movies)

I’ve experienced many moments of rage and fulfillment in this tough as nails dark fantasy series by From Software.

What is Dark Souls?


Hail to the clergy! This spacey “dad” metal band clad in Satanic garb has been a long time favourite of mine.

Who is Ghost?


I trusted this lovely lady to keep you company at our first party.

Who is Ellie?


There’s always a place in the fridge for this spicy and delicious condiment.

What is Sriracha sauce?


Making up a large part of my downtime viewing, this gaming power couple can be quite grumpy.

Who are the Game Grumps?


In Super Smash Bros I’ve put up formidable competition, primarily playing this iconic Nintendo heroin.

Who is Samus?


I spent two years playing with this heavy metal trio.

Who is Spit of the Sin?


I met this gaming aficionado at EB Games, and continues to be a brother to me, despite the distance.

Who is Justin?


I am always in the mood for fast food from this chain. Always fresh, and never frozen.

What is Wendy’s?


I enjoyed this famous dark fantasy series with some of my closest friends, which made it bearable, despite its controversial ending.

What is Game of Thrones?


This repeatedly released fantasy title holds the highest total play time of any video game I’ve played.

What is Elders Scrolls IV: Skyrim?


After many years of fandom, I finally enjoyed the live performance of this Pirate themed metal band in 2019.

Who is Alestorm?


A mutual friend of Ellie‘s and mine, she introduced us to Game of Thrones and bit a pool table one time.

Who is Jade?


It can be somewhat pricey, but I prefer to relax with this carbonated Italian orange drink.

What is Sanpellegrino?


With its moving Soundtrack and a story to die for, this Disney movie is one of the very few that brings me to tears.

What is Coco?


Of all video game genres, this one is my favourite and tends to take up most of my time.

What are role playing games?


There are many different sub genres of metal, but with its technical riffs and profane lyrics, this one takes the cake.

What is Progressive metal?


This guy and I have known each other our whole lives, but only recently reconnected over a common interest in a game.

Who is Chase?


Whenever the Christmas season comes around, I always get a pack of this seasonal chocolatey ale.

What is Granville Winter Ale?


Notably one of my favorite television series, this story of a desperate Chemistry teacher navigating the seedy world of producing drugs.

What is Breaking Bad?


During a game of Commander, this cyberpunk rat will flood the board with vehicles from the scrapyard.

Who is Greasefang, Okiba Boss?


This progressive metal band from France has become my favourite band, and continues to be to this day.

Who is Shattered Skies?


He hasn’t been around much, and you haven’t met him. But My oldest high school friend is still invited to our wedding.

Who is Colton Gillich?


This famous hot sauce that “goes on everything” used to upset my stomach, but it was good enough that I worked up a tolerance.

What is Franks Red Hot Sauce?


Thanks to its bloody violence and foul language, I adore this action packed anime series about a crew of modern day pirates.

What is Black Lagoon?
