What do you do when you want to talk in class?
I need to raise my hand.
What do you do when you hear a bell from the teacher phone?
You keep doing your work and ignore it.
Name 3 things you should be doing when you are on a wiggle stool?
sit on your bottom, feet on the floor, wiggling
What do I do when the teacher is explaining a class or assignment?
I must pay attention in order to understand entirely what to do.
Can I bring toys and things with me to Power Up?
No, it must remain in my bag or desk
What do you do when you come down the stairs?
Before I leave the class what should I do?
Clean up my area and push in my stool.
How can you show the speaker that you are giving them your full attention?
Ears listening, eyes watching, seated appropriately.
Can you come into class without permission?
Nope. You should be waiting at the door in a quiet line.
When can I use the restroom?
During class change, recess, or at lunch time; not during class. You still need to tell the teacher before you go.
What should I do with items that I find and don't know who they belong to?
Give it to the teacher.
How do you show respect for the school property?
By keeping my classroom and school premises in clean and neat conditions.
When is the best time to get a drink?
When you come down the stairs and are waiting to be invited into the room.
Before you leave to go to the bathroom what should you do first?
Ask the teacher, get the pass and walk to the bathroom
What is my responsibility within a group assignment or classwork?
It is my responsibility to do my best and participate so that I am doing my best learning.
What are you allowed to drink while in class?
Only water.
What do we do on Fridays?
Power Up Activities!!!
How do we line up to leave the room?
Get in line in an orderly manner and in complete silence.
How do we walk on the hallways?
Walk in an orderly manner and quietly.
What should I do in order to respect my classmates?
By working quietly and not disturbing their work, plus being respectful with them.