He set the example of HOW to be baptized
Who is Jesus (2 Nephi 31:6-10)
What is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
What is the bread and water.
The office responsible to pass the sacrament.
What is the office of Deacon
God's house here on earth.
What is the Temple
Who is a worth priesthood holder
Different names of the Holy Ghost.
What are: Comforter, Advocate, Teacher, Councilor, Revealer of Truth....
The purpose of the sacrament.
What is to renew our baptismal covenants and rewash our sins away.
The first office able to perform baptisms.
What is the office of Priest.
The writing inscribed outside of every temple.
What is "Holiness to the Lord, House of the Lord"
The first covenant one makes with God
What is baptism.
When the Holy Ghost first appeared on earth.
What was in the form of a dove?
The first person to administer the Sacrament.
Who is Jesus Christ.
Can women use the priesthood?
What we do inside the temple.
What is make more covenants with God and perform ordinances for the dead?
What we promise when we are baptized.
What is 1. Keep the commandments, 2. Take His name upon us. 3. Always remember him.
When the disciples were given the Holy Ghost after Christ ascended into heaven.
What was the day of Pentecost.
What we promise when we take the Bread.
Ways God has used his priesthood to bless us.
What is creating the world, guiding and directing us, showing us that He loves and knows us, and hearing and answering our prayers
Some of the questions asked in a temple interview.
What I did before I was baptized.
.......Before your baptism, you were interviewed by a member of your bishopric who asked you some of the following questions:
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior?
Do you try your best to obey the commandments?
Do you feel ready to make a covenant with Heavenly Father?
The ability to receive continual guidance and inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
What is receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.
What we promise when we take the water.
How worthy men on earth use God’s power and authority.
What is to bless us, bless and heal the sick, baptizing, confirming, administering the sacrament, and sealing families.
The Prophet who restored the sealing keys in the temple so the hearts of the children can be turned to their fathers and the fathers to their children...
Who is Elijah.